More Children Under the Age of 16 Died from Non-COVID Vaccines than COVID Vaccines Since December 2020


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

The horrific deaths and injuries caused by the experimental COVID bioweapon shots have created new “super stars” in the alternative media who “woke up” during the COVID scam to realize for the first time that the U.S. Government has no problem lying to the American public, even when their advice results in many deaths and injuries.

Many of these new “stars” in the alternative media continue to earn their income from “exposing” the COVID scam and how dangerous the shots are almost three years later. That’s because they became famous during COVID and the roll-out of the shots in 2021, and they don’t really have much else to talk or write about.


Almost everyone among these new “super stars” are now being labeled as “anti-vaccine”, even though almost all of them are clearly not anti-vaccine, and only anti-COVID vaccines, and still believe in non-COVID vaccines.

There are still a few of us who are truly “anti-vaccine,” such as myself, and have warned the public for many years prior to COVID that vaccines were weapons that killed and injured people, primarily babies and children.

But many who used to expose the dangers of all vaccines prior to COVID, have now been brought into the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) organization and either gone on their payroll, or taken advantage of the millions of dollars that Wall Street and Silicon Valley billionaires have apparently contributed to CHD to greatly increase their public exposure.

The revenue coming into CHD has almost tripled each year of their existence, from $1,063,837 in 2018 to $2,928,566 in 2019, to $6,769,658 in 2020, the year COVID started, to an astounding $15,990,132 in 2021. (Source.)

And now their leader, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is running for the office of the President of the United States, and is practically shouting at the top of his lungs to every corporate media outlet that interviews him that he is NOT anti-vaccine.


So what are the chances that those employed by him, who used to expose how vaccines approved by the FDA long before COVID came around were killing and maiming children, will go against their leader and admit that ALL vaccines are bioweapons?

This is not to say that CHD does not put out good information. With a $15 million + budget, they should be putting out good content! I even covered a story that they broke earlier this week. See:

U.S. Government Funds Study to Target Black Girls to Receive More Doses of the Deadly Gardasil Vaccine that Causes Infertility

Health Impact News also gained a large following during the COVID scam and roll-out of the COVID bioweapon shots, warning parents and others not to trust these shots, and you can see much of our historical coverage here:

COVID-19 Injection Casualties List

One of the videos we produced in August of 2021 warning people not to take these shots, has now been viewed by almost 12 million people.

Honestly, how many more people still need to be educated on how horrible these shots are that have not already been exposed to this information?

While we are still covering this issue, it is not headline news every day anymore, as there are other very important topics affecting all of us today.

So here’s my beef with the alternative media these days: The non-COVID vaccines are still killing and maiming children!

In fact, more children under the age of 16 have died from non-COVID vaccines than the COVID “vaccines” since the COVID shots were given emergency use authorization by Donald Trump in December of 2020, and almost NOBODY is talking about this anymore!

149 children under the age of 16 have died after being injected with non-COVID vaccines since December of 2020. (Source.)

112 children under the age of 16 have died after being injected with COVID “vaccines” since December of 2020. (Source.)

In total, nearly 100,000 cases of adverse events (97,941 cases) were filed in the U.S. Government Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS) database for non-COVID vaccines since December of 2020, including 886 deaths, 1,326 Life Threatening reactions, 1,687 Permanent Disabilities, 42 birth defects, 7,526 hospitalizations, and over 8,000 trips to the ER, for NON-COVID vaccines. (Source.)

And just by way of reminder, less than 1% of all adverse reactions to vaccines are reported to VAERS. (Source.)

The Conservative Right is Pro-Vaccine and Pro-Death

Prior to COVID, the issue of vaccines was a non-partisan issue. BOTH the Democrats and the Republicans were solidly pro-vaccine, and to even hint at opposing vaccines, ANY vaccine, was to welcome ridicule and attacks.

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