L. Fletcher Prouty: Oil is not a fossil fuel; it is the second most prevalent liquid on Earth


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

During an interview in 1994, L. Fletcher Prouty spoke about what petroleum is. It isn’t what we think it is. It isn’t a fossil fuel. And it is the second most prevalent liquid on Earth, he said.

L. Fletcher Prouty was Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under US President John F. Kennedy. A former colonel in the United States Air Force, he retired from military service to become a bank executive and subsequently became a critic of US foreign policy, particularly the covert activities of the CIA about which he had considerable inside knowledge.  He died in 2001 aged 84.

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During the Second World War, Colonel Pouty served as an army tank commander. He later joined the United States Air Force (“USAAF”) and in 1943 became the personal pilot of General Omar Bradley. Later that year he flew Chiang Kai-shek to the Tehran Conference.

Prouty also became involved in work for the Office of Strategic Services (“OSS”). In 1945 he served on Okinawa and was involved in transporting the bodyguard of General Douglas MacArthur to Tokyo. In 1946 Prouty was assigned by the US Army to Yale University. In 1950 he established Air Defence Command and during the Korean War was based in Japan where he was Military Manager for Tokyo International Airport.

In 1955 Prouty was assigned to coordinate operations between the USAAF and the Central Intelligence Agency (“CIA”). For the next nine years, he worked for the Pentagon. He was Briefing Officer for the Secretary of Defence (1960-61), Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Chief of Special Operations (1962-63).

Colonel Prouty retired from the USAAF in 1964 and was awarded the Joint Chiefs of Staff Commendation Medal. He later worked for the General Aircraft Corporation (1964-65) and First National Bank (1965-68). He was also a senior director of a government and military marketing organisation.

Find out more about Colonel Prouty at L. Fletcher Prouty (Spartacus Educational) and L. Fletcher Prouty (Wikipedia).

During an interview in 1994, Bruce Kanier asked Colonel Prouty what he meant when in a talk he said that petroleum wasn’t a fossil fuel and that it was a mineral.  Colonel Prouty responded:

“[When] oil went from a lubricant to a fuel [ ] it made it valuable.  Rockefeller happened to be the smartest man in the business at the time but he made most of his money, or much of it, off the transport of the petroleum as well as selling it.

“Putting a price on oil is like putting a price on a pail of water, no initial cost, that’s in the ground. And in those days, they were, some of it, almost what you’d call surface mining the oil, they didn’t go down deep.  So, in order to get the price up, they hit on the idea that they would have to make it appear to be scarce.

“[Fortuitously] in 1892 there was a convention in Geneva of scientists to determine what organic substances are.  Well, the definition of organic is a substance with hydrogen, oxygen and carbon.  It’s usually a living substance … At this Geneva convention, Rockefeller took advantage of sending some scientists over who said: ‘Oil, petroleum is hydrogen, oxygen and carbon therefore it must be derived from [ ] the rotting of formerly living matter’.

“When the scientific convention was over, they defined oil as the residue from formerly living matter.  Well, that makes it a ‘fossil fuel’.

“There has never been a fossil, a real fossil, found below sixteen thousand feet … We drill for oil at thirty thousand, thirty three thousand, twenty eight thousand, every day of the week.  So, right there we rule it out that it isn’t fossil fuel. It’s called fossil fuel for the minds of the public to feel that it is an asset that is running out [and] being depleted.

“If you know the world’s oil supply, you know that it is not going to run out for an awfully long time. It is the second most prevalent liquid on Earth.”

For years, Colonel Prouty explained, they preached the propaganda to the highest offices in the USA that oil was a fossil fuel that would run out. “The object of it was, as Kissinger used in his own terms when it was time for him to speak, to create a world price for oil. In other words, not 30 cents a gallon here and 90 cents a gallon there, but let’s get a world price.  That’s their goal.  And they’re trying to do that with wheat and everything else,” he said.

We have embedded the video below to begin with the 8-minute section where Colonel Prouty talks about oil.

Bruce Kanier interviews Col. Fletcher Prouty, 12 October 1994 (Disc 1 of 2) (2 hours)

If the video above is removed from YouTube, you can watch a clip from it on Bitchute HERE.

For those who are interested in reading more from Colonel Prouty on this subject: According to The Col. L Fletcher Prouty Reference Site website, Colonel Prouty “answered e-mails from this site while he was alive” and those responses and commentaries are posted on the website.  It includes a ‘Commentary’ labelled ‘Commentary for June – Oil’ and under the website section titled ‘Letters of the Month’ is an email exchange between various people and Colonel Prouty about the ‘Origins of Oil’.

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