Fentanyl-Related Teen Deaths Triple in Three Years


by Brownstone Institute, Childrens Health Defense:

As a 22-year-old freelance journalist making a name for himself, Rav Arora felt the media’s unquestioning support of COVID-19 vaccines “was a complete betrayal of the media’s foundational mission: holding the powerful and corrupt accountable for their misdeeds.”

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As an example, one editor made clear his publication’s strong “pro-vaccination” stance which could not be usurped:

“I’m going to pass.

“As I’ve said many times before, we are a pro-vaccination newspaper, and personally I just wish everyone would get vaccinated already. While I respect your decision not to do so (and I agree jail time for those who don’t is overkill), I’m not keen on op-eds that even appear like they’re arguing against vaccination for Covid or anything else.”

Universally, my reporting on vaccine adverse events was suppressed by major and alternative media outlets.

As a 22-year-old freelance journalist making a name for himself, I felt this was a complete betrayal of the media’s foundational mission: holding the powerful and corrupt accountable for their misdeeds.

This was the reason I got into journalism at the young age of 19 and ended up writing several groundbreaking stories, such as the neglected trauma of inner-city residents in the crime-plagued streets of Minneapolis in the aftermath of riots and calls to “defund the police” following George Floyd’s death.

Following up on my first story exposing the absurdly pro-pharmaceutical bias in corporate media, I am now sharing a (nearly) tragic incident that illustrates just how dangerous and irresponsible journalistic support of mRNA vaccines during the pandemic was.

As it turns out, I recently came into casual contact with an editor at one of these top American newspapers (who I will give the pseudonym “Ben” for privacy) who continually suppressed all my vaccine-myocarditis reporting because of their pro-vaccine position.

For context, when I pitched one of their other editors, he responded with the following:

“Rav, sorry but we’re not going to run any anti-vaccine pieces.

“I think the risk is totally overblown and amplified by right-wing pundits who have no concern for public health. These are the safest vaccines we’ve ever had and virtually everyone seeks to benefit.”

Off-record, I started chatting with Ben about how he diverged with his colleagues’ authoritarian pro-mandate positions:

“My views differed a lot from the other editors there. They were all pro-vaccine passports. I remember being stunned when my colleagues said that these were the ‘safest and most effective vaccines we’ve ever seen.’”

After some extended communication, he revealed to me how he had a terrifying experience after the second Pfizer vaccine shot:

“About 7 hours after my 2nd shot I was in bed and started shaking. My heart began to pound. Then the shaking for worse and my heart was pounding so hard it felt like it was going to explode.

“Every beat hurt. I continued shaking and heart pounding like that for hours. Hot and cold sweats.”

None of this will come as a surprise to anyone who has tracked and reported on the vaccine-induced myocarditis issue. Ben predictably happens to be a young man — 32 years of age — in great shape who exercises regularly. Anyone who sees photos of him can tell he rarely skips gym day.

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