Bill Gates is funding a scheme to cut down 70 million acres of forests in North America


by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

This Substack has been extensively exposing the Rockefeller Crime Syndicate’s most visible and psychopathic puppet Bill Gates; in fact, just last week he yet again released billions upon billions of genetically modified frankenmosquitos all across Florida, potentially poisoning the entire Sunshine State population.


HORROR SHOW UPDATE: Are Genetically Modified Mosquitoes That Vaccinate Humans Now Causing U.S. Malaria Cases For First Time Since 2003?

HORROR SHOW UPDATE: Are Genetically Modified Mosquitoes That Vaccinate Humans Now Causing U.S. Malaria Cases For First Time Since 2003?

This Substack previously reported on the illicit Bill Gates mosquito eugenics program: And now we have the latest in Statism bioterrorism with the latest mass induced fear campaign involving “malaria:” We know that Bill Gates has been releasing his genetically modified frankenmosquitos in Florida for years now. We may extrapolate that said frankenmosquit…

Gates is also the most infamous partner-in-crime with the UN, and their various technocommunist nodes like the WEF, WHO, CIA, DoD, Pentagon, CFR, et al.

Bill Gates’ Criminal Plans Exposed by U.S. Trial Lawyer — Gates is working closely with Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum to reduce Population & Control The Remaining Population

SEPTEMBER 19, 2022
Bill Gates' Criminal Plans Exposed by U.S. Trial Lawyer -- Gates is working closely with Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum to reduce Population & Control The Remaining Population

This substack coined the term PSYOP-19 to better describe the COVID-19 “pandemic”. The term describes the depopulation and control agenda of the One World Government and their various puppets like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.

Gates is developing all kinds of destructive products, chemicals, and bioterror weapons (e.g. Lone Star Tick) to ensure that the genetically modified human (GMH) survivors of his “vaccines,” mosquitos, carcinogenic fake meats, and bug gruel will never again eat nutritious and healthy foods.

Exactly What Is Behind The UN & WEF Insects As Food Agenda? [Updated]

AUGUST 22, 2022
Exactly What Is Behind The UN & WEF Insects As Food Agenda? [Updated]

The two most prominent One World Government nodes in the UN and WEF have been aggressively pushing the bug food agenda for close to a decade now; to wit:

Read full story

And now Gates wants to kill two GMH’s one one proverbial stone by terraforming the planet into a CO2 depleted state that will threaten all life on earth, while driving home building costs into the stratosphere such that the “global citizenry” are forced into tiny pods residing within his 15 Second City hellscapes.

He really wants you dead, because decarbonization is ultimately code for depopulation.


by Rhoda Wilson

Bill Gates and other investors are betting Kodama Systems can reduce carbon dioxide in the air by chopping down and burying trees. The move will see 70 million acres of forests, mostly in the Western United States, cut down over the next decade.

After cutting down the trees, Kodama plans to bury them – to reduce global warming.  However, “global warming” is a scam to enable the rich to become richer and the real reason for the destruction of forests is to reap saleable carbon offsets.

The Carbon Cycle

The following text in this section is extracted from National Geographic’s encyclopaedia intended for children aged 10 to 13.

Carbon is in a constant state of movement from place to place. It is stored in what are known as reservoirs, and it moves between these reservoirs through a variety of processes, including photosynthesis, burning fossil fuels, and simply releasing breath from the lungs. The movement of carbon from reservoir to reservoir is known as the carbon cycle.

Carbon can be stored in a variety of reservoirs, including plants and animals, which is why they are considered carbon life forms. Carbon is used by plants to build leaves and stems, which are then digested by animals and used for cellular growth.

In the atmosphere, carbon is stored in the form of gases, such as carbon dioxide. It is also stored in oceans, captured by many types of marine organisms. Some organisms, such as clams or coral, use the carbon to form shells and skeletons.

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