Anti-White Academic Whose Research ‘Proved’ Systemic Racism is Fired from University for Faking Data


by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

An affirmative action academic whose research on systemic racism was widely used to fuel animus against white people has been fired from Florida State University for falsifying data.

Eric Stewart was fired as a criminology professor at Florida State University last month because of the “extreme negligence” found in his studies. His work had been cited by other research in an astounding 8,500 occasions, according to Google Scholar. Stewart also served as a WEB DuBois fellow at the National Institute of Justice before being disgraced.


Stewart was excoriated by FSU Provost James J. Clark in a termination letter dated July 13 for the damage his shoddy and irresponsible work has caused to the university and the field in general.

“The details of problematic data management, false results, and the numerous publication retractions have negatively affected the discipline on a national level,” Clark stated.

“The damage to the standing of the University and, in particular, the College of Criminology and Criminal Justice and its faculty approaches the catastrophic and may be unalterable.” Clark added. “I do not see how you can teach our students to be ethical researchers or how the results of future research projects conducted by you could be deemed as trustworthy.”

Thus far, six of Stewart’s articles have been pulled from leading academic journals because of erroneous data. Shamefully, Stewart received millions of taxpayer dollars to conduct his research from organizations like the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Justice and Florida’s Department of Juvenile Justice. It sure pays to be a low IQ race huckster in multicultural, diverse America, eh?

Big League Politics has reported on how black academics are regularly allowed to spew hatred against white people as “The Great Replacement” takes form:

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