WEATHER WEAPON HURRICANE IDALIA: You don’t know what you don’t know


from State Of The Nation:

All Floridians and especially vacationers: BEWARE!!!

OPERATION HURRICANE SEASON: Florida Under Withering Weather Attacks For Five Straight Years

The very day that Florida set itself up as America’s premier (and only) FREEDOM STATE, it has found itself in the crosshairs of the New World Order globalist cabal.


KEY POINT: The last three major hurricanes to hit the United States mainland — IN A ROW — have all made landfall in Florida with Idalia expected to be the third.  This has never happened before in Hurricane Season history. And, by the way, two of the older SOTN editors are long-term residents of Florida and they never saw a constant procession of superstorms as the geoegineered hurricanes of today.  The NWO weather warriors have been slowly and stealthily conditioning the Southeast populace to accept this new normal, which is actually a regime of geoterrorism for political distraction and climate crisis manipulation purposes, among other malevolent goals.  End of story!

For the uninitiated, there is no more powerful weapon in the cabal’s arsenal than weather weaponry.  The NWO geoengineers can manufacture a super-powerful Cat 5 hurricane and slam it into any coastline on US territory … … … and enjoy perfect “plausible deniability” because they carried out their catastrophic geoterrorist attack in the middle of Hurricane Season.

Really, what better way to carry out a devastating false flag attack against a selected target when Mother Earth can be so easily be blamed.  In fact, weather warfare has become the #1 way of inflicting major damage on perceived enemies of the tyrannical US government, both foreign and domestic.

This is the exact predicament that the FREEDOM STATE of Florida has been in for the past 5 years.  This definite and now indisputable pattern of weather invasions against Florida began with Hurricane Michael in October of 2018 the year that Ron DeSantis narrowly defeated Andrew Gillum. See: HURRICANE MICHAEL: A Geoengineered Superstorm Targeting Tallahassee and Florida Panhandle—Why!

A very important discussion of what was actually happened with Hurricane Michael as a very stealthy sneak attack can be read here:

Sneak Attack

The salient point here is that Hurricane Michael was a sneak attack on the North Florida populace that rarely leaves the area during BIG storms.  They were tricked, as we were also tricked here in Tallahassee Florida.  Unless you were watching every move this superstorm made, it was very easy to underestimate it.

What the geoengineers did was abruptly change the direction of  Michael while rapidly intensifying it into a Cat 5 hurricane-tornado.  Then they slammed it right into Mexico City Beach wiping out the entire town as it made landfall. The calamitous frankenstorm then went on to cut a swath of unparalleled death and destruction through north Florida as well as southern Georgia and Alabama the likes of which has never been seen before.  It was like a weather ‘nuclear bomb’ was dropped according to an SOTN editor who drove from Tallahassee to Pensacola shortly after Michael hit.

As a consequence, hundreds of those (perhaps even thousands) in the hurricane strike zone paid with their lives.  Many others sustained serious life-threatening injuries and complete loss of property.  A vast majority of folks in the direct path of Michael will suffer from some sort of storm-related PTSD for the rest of their lives, so great was the trauma.  It was a truly terrifying superstorm that caught so many unaware because it was planned that way by the globalist perpetrators.

What made this hurricane-tornado so destructive is that it combined the worst aspects of a hurricane and tornado.  As follows:

KEY POINT: TPTB had their geoengineers manufacture what was essentially a “hurricane tornado” of the same technological type and raw power as Hurricane Andrew in Augest of 1992.  It’s common knowledge among superstorm researchers that thousands of people died during and after that cataclysmic hurricane that hit Homestead Florida in August of 1992.   The vast majority of those deaths, as well as the many serious injuries, were never recorded by the state nor reported by the mainstream media.  That’s the way it always is so that government doesn’t look bad. See: Hurricane Michael and the US Govt Coverup (Video)[1]

What realistic defense does any community ever have against a hurricane tornado?

That’s right: there is no defense for property, and the only sane alternative to protect one’s person would be to escape the wrath of wind and water by every means possible once it rears its ugly head too close to hearth and home.  In other words, you get the hell out of Dodge…before there is no ‘Dodge City’ left!
(SOURCE: ‘SNEAK ATTACK’! Hurricane Michael was a 9/11-style false flag weather attack on conservative North Florida.)

Weather Weapon Hurricane Ian

Then there was the highly weaponized Hurricane Ian of September 2022. That act of weather terrorism is explained as follows:

*Whether Tropical Storm Ian originated naturally or was geoengineered from its inception is not discussed in this report.  This paper is only concerned with the development of this superstorm once it passed over Cuba and headed toward the Peninsula of Florida.

The following video captured the satellite imagery of Hurricane Ian as it was purposefully stalled off the southwest coast of Florida and greatly intensified into a borderline Cat 5 superstorm.  The NWO geoengineers carried out this act of intentional geoterrorism by utilizing a “weather wheel”, the massive spraying of metalized chemtrail aerosols, Nexrad transmission stations as well as a HAARP-level ionospheric heater.

Only time will tell what the globalist plans to do with this highly choreographed false flag attack on the Florida peninsula (false flag because these Frankenstorms are falsely blamed on Mother Nature when the NWO geoengineers are truly responsible).

Nevertheless, it’s for certain that the geoengineers will use this opportunity to further perfect their weather warfare technology via chemical engineering and HAARP frequency generators, as well as integrate the NEXRAD Doppler radar transmitters and massive moisture-producing power plants into the technological mix.

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