Top epidemiologist told CDC in secret letter that COVID face masks DON’T WORK, and that the government deliberately misrepresented scientific data to say the opposite


by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

Internal documents extracted from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) show that the corrupt federal agency lied about science in order to push an aggressive pro-mask agenda during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic.”

The NIH under the leadership of now-departed director Francis Collins relied on inaccurate information and misrepresented medical research to falsely claim that wearing a face mask helps to prevent severe transmission of the Fauci Flu. And the agency did so in spite of conflicting scientific evidence in its possession demonstrating the exact opposite.


If anything, masks make a person more prone to infection by blocking oxygen intake, not to mention the fact that mask material tends to harbor deadly pathogens and other exhaled waste, which sits right next to a person’s nose and mouth.

In a recently obtained letter sent in November 2021 to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), leading epidemiologist Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, along with seven of his colleagues, warned the CDC that it, too, was promoting the same flawed data while excluding contradictory data showing that masks do not work to prevent infection or spread.

That letter specifically called out the COVID-19 Real-Time Learning Network, a program jointly created by the CDC and the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), which contains false information that threatens to “damage the credibility of science” while endangering public trust by “misrepresenting the evidence” and giving the public “false expectations” about the alleged benefits they should expect to receive from wearing a mask.

“We believe the information and recommendations as provided may actually put an individual at increased risk of becoming infected with SARS-CoV-2 and for them to experience a serious or even life-threatening infection,” Osterholm and the others wrote.

If they try to force us back into masks this fall, remind everyone of Osterholm’s letter to the CDC

Osterholm and his colleagues urged the IDSA to remove the suggestion that wearing a mask in any way prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 – because the fact of the matter is that masks do nothing except make the wearer look stupid and gullible.

Osterholm emphasized that the U.S. government at the time showed a clear pattern of cherry-picking data that supported its narrative while rejecting data that opposed it. As a result, science became compromised, followed by widespread public mistrust in U.S. government agencies.

The creators of the IDSA’s “Masks and Face Coverings for the Public” page chose to “focus on the strengths of studies that support its conclusions while ignoring their shortcomings of study design,” Osterholm explained. “Studies that do not support its perspective are similarly downplayed.”

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