Male Powerlifter Sets Female Record


from Moonbattery:

We all know that letting men compete as women is destroying women’s sports. Yet so powerful is the “marginalized” Alphabet Mafia that the grotesque farce continues:

A male powerlifter who identifies as a “woman” set a women’s national record at a championship in Brandon, Manitoba, yesterday. Anne Andres, 40, currently holds multiple records in the female division, including women’s deadlift and bench press, and has placed first in nine out of the eleven competitions he has participated in over the past four years.

Unlike some transgender athletes, Andres would be competitive even among his fellow men:


Andres’ total would have placed him amongst the top-performing male powerlifters in the entire championship had he participated in the men’s category.

Hopefully someone is keeping track of who really does hold these records, so that cheaters competing as members of the opposite sex can be purged once liberal hegemony has been overthrown.

Try not to grind your teeth as Andres insults the real women he unfairly competes against:

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