Hospital System DEI Head Holds Antiwhite Prayer Service


from Moonbattery:

The healthcare industry held out for a while against the Long March Through the Institutions. When it fell, it fell hard, as a woman calling herself Ryan Polly confirms:

Ryan Polly is a vice president of DEI at MaineHealth, a hospital system of over 20,000 employees.

Polly says she is a man. Fox News makes a mockery of its own credibility by catering to her pose. Correct pronouns have been inserted in the interest of clarity.


Polly refers to [herself] as a “minister” of a group called One Spirit. According to a video reviewed by Fox News Digital, which has since been scrubbed, Polly is shown teaching attendees how to be practitioners of antiracism through a prayer that [she] dedicated to “loving spirits who are known by many names.”

“Antiracism” is Liberalese for antiwhite racism.

As this story attests, moonbattery is a religion. Its adherents don’t call it one because then the First Amendment would limit their efforts to impose it through the federal government.

The DEI leader’s ideology is steeped in critical race theory. [She] said during the prayer services that [she herself] maintains “racist narratives and biases,” and attributed those to [her] skin color.

MaineHealth predictably issued a statement defending Polly’s bigotry. The liberal establishment looks after its own.

Polly said that White people acquire “ignorance,” “biases” and “racist thoughts” on the basis of their belonging to a “life of Whiteness.”

Malevolent lunatics like this are now in charge of staffing hospitals, where life and death decisions are made.

We can’t watch Polly’s antiwhite prayer service, because it was made private after Fox News queried MaineHealth.

No doubt there will be another service soon. Turn off the light and it won’t be long before the cockroaches reemerge from under the stove — until such a time as they have uncontested control of the kitchen.

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