Here’s how the NWO pyroterrorists actually started and spread the MAUI firestorms


from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Special Note: This rejoinder was elicited from the many excellent comments posted at sites like The Burning Platform regarding the now obvious DEW-triggered acts of pyroterrorism which have plagued the world for decades.  The critical point here is that some commenters demand “evidence”.

Okay, you want evidence?  If we posted a video of a laser beam (aka as a directed energy weapon) coming down from the sky and exploding into fire in a Lahaina home, what would you say?  The trolls would reflexively denigrate it as a deepfake.


Really, given how the NWO perps totally locked down Lahaina PRIOR to executing this black operation, do you think they are going to make any conspicuous mistakes?  Actually they did; like this one: VIEW HERE: Eyewitness Testimony How Police Perpetrated Maui Mass Murder

 What’s the critical point about EVIDENCE?

In this era of extreme deceit and when falsehood is actually much more powerful than truth for the masses, the best evidence is evidence that is circumstantialanecdotal and prima facie evidence.  Of course, forensic evidence is also very compelling but will take some time and great effort to acquire and properly assess in Maui because of the lockdown. See: Maui Police Are ARRESTING Witnesses Of The Fires! (Video)

Just why is that?

First, because we all know the perps are expert at both creating physical evidence out of thin air, and then planting it wherever it best builds their case against an innocent patsy or for a false narrative. Who doesn’t know how very easy it is to manufacture what is legally known as “real evidence” for virtually any crime committed under the sun?  Just remember the completely innocent and set up Lee Harvey Oswald!

Which means that the most ironclad cases are built with a panoply of circumstantial, anecdotal and prima facie evidence.  Testimony from high-integrity firsthand witnesses stationed all over Maui on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 will tell the back story better than all the laser beams in the world when this crime scene investigation is over.

CAVEAT: When it concerns any complex crime scene like Lahaina, it’s never about the what happened, it’s about WHO did it and WHY.  At this early stage of the criminal investigation being conducted by citizen journalists all over the Internet, the volumes of actionable evidence is simply overwhelming. See: Hawaii’s 9/11 Staged By All The Usual Suspects

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