Disinformation Specialists, Conspiracies, And Attempts To Discredit Independent Media As A Whole To Drive The Newly Awakened Back To The MSM Propaganda Networks, Or To Go Out And Repeat Disinformation


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

For the past few months we have been seeing an uptick in not just out-there conspiracy theories being pushed in the comment sections, and while there is nothing wrong with that, a lot of them have been proven true over the years, as owners of a website that readers have been coming to for years and year, we have the responsibility to not break the trust of those that come to All News PipeLine for the truth.

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Free speech and trying to be responsible website owners is a fine line to walk and balance on and it is never easy.

Every once in a while we feel the need to remind ourselves and readers, old and new, that while Independent Media needs to question the “official narratives” pushed by the mainstream media, we must not fall prey to the mindset that “everything” is a conspiracy.

No matter how you cut it, no matter what we do as website owners, someone is always going to be upset at some decision we made for the good of ANP.

Yesterday we were accused of censorship because after three solid months of having a certain theory (one to do with the shape of Earth), we said enough. It was derailing threads, it was distracting from issues that could mean life or death, war, food shortages, inflation, ect…. and quite literally driving people away from the website and from commenting, as well as filling up our email boxes with complaints.

Free speech is one thing, allowing one single person to discredit ANP because we didn’t stop the continued, never-ending spread of what we, and the majority of the readers, consider disinformation, is another.

Reader comment yesterday while we were dealing with this issue:


It truly does have that effect. At a family gathering, the subject of deep state fraud came up. 9/11 was glanced upon also. I stated my view and was immediately asked: “are you a flat earther too?” By itself, this proves nothing, but I responded: “I don’t know and more importantly…I don’t care.”

I don’t need to be convinced that our gov’t lies…massively. I truly do not care the shape of the earth. Further, i do not care what type of bomb is dropped on unfortunate humans. Mass murder is real. Does nuclear war scare me? Yes. But i’m not convinced that alters my behavior in any significant way. I have no control of our military or NASA budget. The puppets we elect never fulfill promises anyway. I tend to focus on biblical comments but they all are interesting and I do mourn the loss of potpourri type commenting. So let’s not abuse any one subject by daily haranguing and we won’t end up here.

With that said, below we want to address a couple of issues that have made Independent Media websites a target of government campaigns to discredit the alternative media collectively.

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