Deep State Pressing CV19 Fear Button for Control – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny


by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is still on the frontlines of truth sounding the alarm on the CV19 “vaccine” and the death and disability from injecting it into billions of people around the world.  It looks like a new round of control from another CV19 bioweapon/vax pandemic scam is already brewing.  Dr. Tenpenny points out, “Now, with the reactivation with what they are trying to do with this new (CV19) variant, it’s nonsensical stuff.  Oh my gosh, we already have colleges that are shutting down and putting on masks, social distancing and self-quarantining.  I just hope that in the last 2 ½ years between what you have done and I have done . . . and on and on and on, we have been saying masks don’t work.  Social distancing is a high school girl’s science project nonsense.  Cramming Q-tips up the nose of healthy people is a sign of mental illness.  All of the deaths associated with these shots and all of the disability that Ed Dowd says disability is 11 standard deviations above the norm.  We have colleges doing this all again. They have notified the TSA we all have to start wearing masks again.  They are going to try to shut down businesses and further cripple and destroy this country.  I think it is time that at least 50 million people are going to stand up this time and say no, we are not doing it.  I am not going to put on a face diaper, I am not going to lay off my staff and close my business again.  I am not doing it.”


Dr. Tenpenny says this is not about saving lives or real medicine.  It is 100% about control.  Dr. Tenpenny explains, “It was an open door that there was no blowback from anybody and not even the generally really strong patriotic sovereign types of people in America.  When America rolled over, they said ‘power down.’  Now is the time to move in the entire global economy:  one world religion, one world government, one world money.  Now is the time because we have a window of opportunity, and we are going to take every inch we can get, and they did.  This is just the next level of wondering how much more control can they get.  Are there still going to be people that are still going to roll over? . . . . The powers that be are going to push the ‘fear button’ over, over and over again to see how many are going to go along with their propaganda.  Unfortunately, it will probably be more than a few.”

Dr. Tenpenny recently had her medical license in Ohio suspended (but not revoked).  Dr. Tenpenny is quick to point out she employs other doctors in good standing to treat patients and is STILL very much in business at her clinics in Ohio and California.  Dr. Tenpenny did not hurt anybody, but there are more than 300 mysterious complaints that the Ohio Medical Board will not show her.  The Ohio Medical Board says Dr. Tenpenny’s license was “suspended” because she did not comply with their “investigation.”  Dr. Tenpenny says that’s a lie, and she says she did comply and did everything they asked.  The medical community, some of the same people who want to start a new round of covid crazy control, really just want people like Dr. Tenpenny to shut up while they work evil on “We the People.”  Tenpenny says, “They are working really hard to make life miserable and to get me to shut up.  I am one of the kingpins out there talking about Covid and vaccines and all this stuff for 23 years.  If they can intimidate me into submission, then who is going to come on behind me?  What other physicians are going to take a stand to say NO, I am not going to do that.”

Dr. Tenpenny also talks about treatments that work for vax injuries such as zeolite and Ivermectin.  She also explains why people should resist the upcoming round of Deep State Covid control when they press the “fear button” again.

There is much more in the 30-minute interview.

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