BREAKING: Early onset dementia is being caused by the COVID vaccine (~25X increase)


by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

The medical community is never going to admit this and the mainstream media is never going to cover this, but I thought you should know. People who work in nursing homes are seeing a 25X increase.

Executive summary

No doubt about it: the COVID vaccines are causing a very significant increase in the likelihood of people developing sudden dementia.



I just got off the phone with a charge nurse at a rehab/long term elderly care facility. She’s been a nurse for 32 years and has never seen anything like this in her history.

She told me that they would rarely see anyone suddenly exhibit dementia behaviors like sudden onset hallucinations for no reason (nothing showing in the labs); maybe around 2 a year.

Now, just in the last 12 months, she’s seen this happen nearly 50 times, which is a 25X fold increase in the dementia rate.

By the way, she also told me that their local funeral home that picks up bodies from her facility mentioned to her that they had 150 deaths last month, but in a normal July they would get 7 deaths. [ I have a call into this funeral home; no call back ].

It’s very noticeable by people who work at nursing homes, but most are not able to talk about it without losing their jobs. I finally found someone who will talk on video. Stay tuned.

The medical literature shows that COVID virus can also increase the risk of dementia, but the COVID vaccine is far more efficient, doing it at a rate that appears to be at least 25X that of the virus (this nurse had never seen any of these 50 cases post-COVID). This is why the nursing homes are all noticing this post-vaccine, rather than post-virus.

A VAERS search shows that COVID vaccine is causing dementia reports to be filed in people as young as 18 years old. No other vaccine in the 33 history of VAERS is doing anything close to this kind of damage. I’ll show you the chart.


I did a survey recently on death rates in elderly care facilities and geriatric practices.

In the survey, I was interested only in the number of deaths each year to see if the vaccine rollout changed anything.

I got plenty of deaths… the responses were that the deaths more than doubled each year in 2021, 2022, 2023 vs. the pre-COVID baseline with 2023 looking like the highest death rate on record. I didn’t find this surprising. The COVID vaccines have been a huge contributor to this as I wrote about earlier.

But I left a “Notes” field in the survey for people to mention anything else they wanted me to be aware of.

I read through the comments just now and noticed that 20% of the people who commented spontaneously noted a huge increase in dementia in their facility after the jabs rolled out.

In particular, the new cases were high but also the onset age was much lower than normal.

Because these reports were completely unprompted (there was no mention of dementia anywhere in the survey), I suspect this is happening in every nursing facility and people are just assuming “that’s odd” and thinking it is just a coincidence and not giving it a second thought.

Nope. No coincidence.

The COVID vaccines are basically destroying the minds of the elderly.

This is so tragic that we are doing this to our elderly.

Even more tragic is that:

  • the elderly care facilities will never public acknowledge or report this (not surprising since sudden dementia is not a reportable event),
  • the mainstream medical community will deny it is happening (otherwise, they’d look if they admitted it),
  • and the mainstream media will never write a story about it (because they were the ones pushing the narrative).

But you can verify for yourself it is happening in every nursing home if you can befriend a resident or employee at your local facility.

Or you can just read what they are saying here in the Notes field.

Here are the unprompted comments regarding dementia cases received on my survey

These are the comments; I added the bold emphasis.

And keep in mind when you read these reports that this is all unprompted recall. The survey didn’t mention dementia at all!

At first I thought it was odd, but after seeing this being noted in nearly 20% of the responses, it’s crystal clear that these were not “coincidences.”

  1. I am a nurse at this convent. All except 1 of these deaths were nuns who were vaccinated and boosted per CDC recommendation. I’ve also witnessed a huge uptick in dementia.
  2. There are 5 residents in our facility. The other 2 residents that had the 2 shots each have had strokes and are not well. They can’t walk nor feed themselves. They both have advanced Dementia now.
  3. My mother is in a memory care unit at vista springs Northview in Grand Rapids Michigan. Covid boosters were administered (the second round) in or around October/December 2022. Within a couple months the facility which houses 30-35 residents 10 plus died within a three week period. All in their sleep. Jan, feb of march 2023. I am just a family member but I’m noticing these things. Many aides who are not vaccinated realize what’s going on, but they are too scared to say anything. Most of the residents (from what aides said) were all double vaxxed and boosted. My mom got the first booster against my wishes. She did not receive the second booster. She did get the first two shots. Also- I am noticing very young residents in the memory care unit. 60s and 70s. Dementia. It seems very strange to me that this age group would all have dementia. Many of the younger dementia patients were teachers. I don’t know if there is any correlation. just seems very odd. I have no hard data. Just observation. Thank you for all you are doing.
  4. I am a daughter of a resident. This facility is Assisted Living on one side and memory care on the other. I could probably get you the death rates per year possibly… but My mother is in this facility. I lived in California. I come to visit twice a year and now I have moved back to Michigan to care for my mom. Most people who lived in this facility were pretty healthy and could for the most part care for themselves. After the vaccines seemingly very together and healthy people died every time I came a couple of them were gone. My mother started falling and other people she knew took falls. One man who she was really good friends with started having neurological problems and then he and his wife died one day apart from each other. My mom is now in memory care. She is unable to do most things. She can barely feed herself at this point. Her motor skills are affected. Many people I knew who were quite normal in Assisted Living were also moved to memory care… however some seem to be hallucinating and creating havoc and fighting… The first time I came and saw my mother in Memory care.. I felt like I was in One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s nest. One man was bent over touching the floor in his wheelchair doing a wheelie – but he was so drugged out it was like they were all on Thorazine. People in wheelchairs leaning over the sides of the sleeping. A woman stole the pizza I brought for my mother and told me her family owned the place and how dare I bring food in there and stole my pizza. I knew her before and she was a lovely lady… but now she hallucinates about men with hair coming out of their mouth and other orifices… there is always someone after her and hitting her. It makes me cry to see my mother in a place like this… but I believe they all have prions disease. This all happened after the shot and more and more from the regular assisted living are coming into the memory care with dementia. People who did not have dementia the last couple years all the sudden, they all have it.

Here’s another unprompted comment. It’s not related to dementia specifically, but it does point to a problem. The vaccines are supposed to be life saving. How is it even possible for me to find an anecdote like this?

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