Ukraine and Cocaine


by Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:

There is an eerie parallel between what passes for America’s Ukraine policy and the fact that a fat sack of Bolivian energy dust got discovered in the White House and was promptly forgotten. These two happenings are two sides of the same coin, and its denomination is failure. It is the failure of our establishment, the last gasp – or snort – of a ruling caste that has discovered that, at the end of the day, it could get away with getting high on its own supply (at least for a while) and, like Tony Montana, ploughed its face into a mountain of nose candy as his world collapsed.


These situations the same because they both tell terrible truths about the coterie of mediocrities who presume to rule us. They both manifest the incomprehensible stupidity, unconscionable arrogance, and cynical evasion of accountability that characterize the best and the brightest of the twenty-first century. Didn’t Joe Biden, the perfect PINO (president-in-name-only) for this wretched era, once announce that his meth-addled crackhead son was the smartest guy he knew? Since he hangs with Democrats, that might be true, but more likely it is just more of the same nonsense, the lies so thoroughly mixed into the just plain wrong that it becomes nearly impossible to tell them apart.

Who brought the Peruvian party powder into the White House? Search me, says the same law enforcement apparatus that can track down any elderly Vietnam vet who might have made the mistake of wandering into the People’s House on January 6th thinking, like a sucker, that he was one of the People. The coke was right under the noses, so to speak, of the people operating the most surveilled and secured site on earth, but when it comes to figuring out who brought it inside, Sherlock shrugged. Here’s a clue – it was Colonel Mustsnort in the Situation Room with the mirror and razor. Of course, it’s Hunter’s. You know it. I know it. They know it. And they lie to you, even as you know they lie to you and they know you know they lie to you.

There’s no honesty. There’s no accountability. There’s just lies, and that’s all that is left. It’s unsustainable. Like the rails the meth-teethed Father of the Year blasts off the aft-side cheeks of random Lithuanian doxies, the goodwill and inertia and default patience of the masses will eventually run out. The question is when.

Maybe the process will accelerate because of the death of American kids – not kids like Hunter, to be sure, or like any of the Biden grandkids except maybe the stripper baby who doesn’t count as one – in Ukraine, because we can see that coming. Let’s hope it does not take that, but so far, we have been really patient as our young people have died from Democrat-sponsored fentanyl, Democrat-sponsored illegal aliens, and Democrat-sponsors urban chaos. Is it fair to call these phenomena “Democrat-sponsored?” It’s more than fair – honesty demands it. You are responsible for the foreseeable results of your actions, and Democrat actions have filled a lot of morgue slabs, just not enough to wake us up. Not yet. Maybe the trail of dead coming home from Kyiv will get America’s attention.

That nightmare is approaching. Unless you are blind, you see where this is going. Like the cocaine antics of Sonny Stripperbanger, the foreign policy antics over Ukraine have been incompetence + dishonesty + cynical evasion of accountability, which all adds up to disaster. The worst case scenario is what they do.

I don’t like Putin, or Russia. I like Ukrainians. I trained them. They got invaded – in significant part because of Joe Biden and the foreign policy establishment’s incompetence. But it’s not our war, and I neither presume to understand the Slavic subtleties at play, nor do I trust – at all – the same internationalist caste that has literally gotten exactly zero things right since the end of the Gulf War to understand them either.

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