Ron DeSantis Has Made a Great Blunder


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Ron DeSantis is the most successful governor in the United States.  He kept Florida open and non- mandated during the Covid Deception.  Americans poured into Florida for relief from the lockdowns and masks.  

DeSantis taught a lesson to Disney, an evil corporation that advocates sexual perversity, especially among children.  DeSantis stopped the leftwing freaks in the public schools teaching white kids that they and their parents are racists.  DeSantis stopped the teaching of transgender ideology in Florida’s public schools.  DeSantis was positioned to become a future president of the United States, but his ambition ran away with him and he has ruined himself by competing against Trump for the Republican presidential nomination.


What a waste of a perfectly positioned candidate to be our future president.

As polls show, Republican voters want Trump by wide margins. The electorate knows Trump’s reelection was stolen by Democrats.  The electorate knows that the NY and DOJ indictments of Trump are entirely political completely devoid of any merit. The electorate knows that the Democrats have targeted traditional white Americans for second class citizenship as “racists,”  “white supremacists,”  as “threats to democracy.”  The electorate understand that white people have no future under the woke Democrats. They will not forgive DeSantis for challenging Trump’s nomination.  DeSantis should have stood up for Trump and campaigned for him.  Most likely DeSantis would have been the Vice Presidential candidate and would have been perfectly positioned as Trump’s successor. 

What explains this enormous judgmental error?

Was it DeSantis’ ambition or was it his advisors’ mistake?

How can sensible advisors’ make such a massive mistake?  Are DeSantis’ advisors well placed agents actively working to eliminate Republican presidential candidates who would succeed ?

As I correctly predicted, Trump destroyed himself by his ignorance of Washington and underestimation of the power of the ruling elite. Trump chose the worst advisers he could possibly have chosen.  He was a babe in the woods.

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