Now Frozen Pizza Has to Be Locked Up


from Moonbattery:

We have reached the point in the moonbattery-induced collapse of civilization where frozen pizza has to be kept locked up so that it isn’t shoplifted:

Shoplifters targeted the ice cream and pizza section of a Walgreens in San Francisco, which led to the chaining up of the freezer section to prevent theft, according to a tweet from reporter Betty Yu. San Francisco businesses are fleeing amid a surge of organized theft in the city.

Democrats effectively legalized shoplifting in single-party California. The inevitable consequences were easy to foresee.


Due to the dense concentration of moonbats, San Fransicko in particular has collapsed into anarchotyranny and is no longer inhabitable. While senior citizens are forbidden from parking on their own driveways, roving savages are free to rob stroller-pushing moms at will.

At least this will have the added bonus of preventing vermin from licking the ice cream so they can post video of it to social media:

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