by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

By now all of you regular readers know where I stand on “climate change”.  In my opinion, it’s not happening because of cow farts, farming, ranching, logging or even hypocritical billionaire fussbudgets like John Ketchup Kerrey or billious flatulating blowhards like Greta Thunberg or der Hochklaus von Blohschwab Freiherr von Bomburst und Bloviation releasing methane and other greenhouse gases every time they lecture the rest of us on YouTube. (A case might be made that “climate change” might be affected when the Chinese decide they’re going to build concrete dams the size of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex and artificial lakes the size of Lake Michigan and turn all of Tibet into a weather modification facility, but that’s another matter for a different blog on a different day).


It’s happening rather because mankind started playing around with planetary-sized systems – including the weather – in an insane attempt to engineer and ultimately – yes – to weaponize them. It really began during World War Two when there were serious proposals among the Allies to create tsunamis and earthquakes to hit Japan just prior to an Allied invasion. Another big surge in weather manipulation came after the war with principally the USA sponsoring numerous projects for cloud seeding (to cause rain in droughts) and even to try to damp the strength of hurricanes. The ability to damp storms implies, ipso facto as I already mentioned, the ability to weaponize them, provided one can learn how to steer them, a proposition not as difficult as it might seem when one has a few gigantic ionospheric heaters laying around that are able to create and move low pressure systems.  And as for loading energy into storms, just dump enough particulate metals into the atmosphere, turn on your ionospheric heater, pump out a few gigawatts, create some dipole plasma conditions near your low pressure system, and voila, instant thunderstorm with appropriately large lightning displays. Stir it a bit are you can whip up a nice hurricane or tornado. A little tweaking of the jet stream and off you go.

With every great power jumping on the weather modification technology bandwagon the possibility emerges that weather systems are no longer entirely natural phenomena (as per the dictum of Elana Freeland who has written copiously on the subject of weather modification), and the possibility also emerges that the particular manipulations by particular countries are being effected in unpredictable ways by the manipulations of other countries. Weather is a complex phenomena of interlocked systems, andwhen one is deliberately trying to engineer them, and someone else is deliberately trying to engineer them, the result might be engineered to the extent that technology and a human motivation for doing so were involved, but the result was nonetheless not anticipated or planned by anyone employing the technologies.  (A list of countries that have their own ionospheric heaters is rather amazing, being restricted to facilities in Norway (run by the European Union), the USA, Russia, and Japan, while countries having radar arrays strongly suspected of being able to fill weather modification roles is naturally wider, inclusive of China, Brazil, India, the Ukraine, France, Germany, Italy…in other words, the “usual suspects”.)

My point is that the talk about weather problems, from the 1970s focus on “coming ice ages” through the “global warming” hysteria throughout the late 1980s and 1990s, to the “language change” from “global cooling” and “global warming” to the much more ambiguous and “safer” phrase “climate change” began to be a narrative first explicitly voiced in the (fake?) Report from Iron Mountain and then expanded only after the technologies for weather modification were developed and deployed. Weather modification the one technology and human activity that the “climate change” advocates never discuss, because the standard narrative concerning farming, cow farts, and so on, was in my opinion deliberately designed to cloak the weaponization and use of such technologies. The real giveaway came when they came up with “weather derivatives.” Financializing the weather, like creating “pandemic bonds”, is a handy thing to have around if you’re used to making money from insider trading, and can control nasty weather or create disease outbreaks, target enemies with it, and make money on top of it all.

So with that lengthy context in mind, ponder this story found and shared by T.M., because now NASA (Never A Straight Answer) wants to throw its hat into the ring of weather modification:

NASA combines efforts to find climate solutions to severe weather

Note that the narrative is still functioning here: “climate change” is to blame for all the strange severe weather (but not, mind you, one mention of weather modification technologies or other technologies that, in my opinion, have strong potential geophysical and perhaps even interplanetary impact, like CERN’s large hadron collider).

There’s a telltale little sentence in this article that, predictably, my eyes read with more than just a bit of jaundiced skepticism:

The past nine years have been the warmest since modern record-keeping began and 2024 could be even warmer, according to NASA officials who are working to slow the effects of climate change.

NASA leadership spoke Thursday at a news conference highlighting recent extreme weather events and potential climate solutions. Those include efforts to cool communities as temperatures climb and finding ways to pinpoint greenhouse gas emissions by mapping the release of methane.

Of course, little will be done to “map” the methane being released by the likes of Ketchup Kerrey, Thunberg, Blohschwab & Assoc. but at least the narrative is still intact… it’s all cow farts and too many of us deplorables. We’ve heard all that before.

But what about those “efforts to cool communities”?  Note that the scale and extent of those “communities” is left conveniently undefined, as are also the all-important “efforts” to keep them cool.  We’ve already heard from Baal Gates who wants to add “blocking out sunlight from reaching the Earth in order to help climate change” to his vitae curriculum along with “vaccinated whole populations in Africa and India” and “sponsored nano-technology bioidentity technology”, so one rather suspects that NASA’s entry here is entirely predictable.

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