More Than 250 Million American Lives At Risk During The Grand Luciferian Sacrifice As They’ll Burn It All Down Before The American People Ever Get The Chance To Bring Them To Justice


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

While leftists completely lose their minds all across America over Jason Aldean’s mega-viral song/video “Try That In A Small Town,” and all of that ‘nonsense’ they’re pushing just a small part of them trying to completely ‘silence’ Conservatives, and even other liberals, over our Constitutionally-protected speech and the 1st Amendment, as Steve Quayle and Mike Adams warn us in the must-watch 1st video at the bottom of this story, ‘America‘ as we’ve long known it has reached its final curtain call.


Seen perfectly in this new Zero Hedge story reporting an MSNBC-leftist recently went on to that ‘propaganda network‘ and called for “the same kind of tectonic shift” in culture that we witnessed following 9/11, while arguing that Patriotic-Conservatives should ‘be silenced‘ for SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER, we remind former Iraq war Veteran, and now Adolf Hitler impersonator, Paul Rieckhoff, that the 2nd Amendment was never created in America so that Americans can ‘go deer hunting,’ but to FULLY BACK the 1st Amendment if a ‘terrorist government’ ever attempted to take our Rights and Free Speech away.

Just the latest moves being made by wanna-be tyrants to complete their crackdown upon the masses in this world gone completely and totally mad, as Steve and Mike emphasize within that video, the Foundations of Freedom have already been completely torn down, leaving us the last generations standing before they’re able to implement full-scale tyranny nationwide and across the globe, although their ‘end game‘ would require them to disarm the American people, something that’d be much easier said than done.

Warning us that all of the values that have long been taught to the American children in school have been eviscerated, and replaced by their never-ending lies and disinformation, with borders, language, culture, logic and reason among those long-held values being ripped to shreds, as Steve warns us, “you cannot argue with crazy…and you cannot vote your way out of thermo-nuclear destruction.” 

Showing us how even the United States military has gone stark raving mad in 2023 by allowing men who are pretending to be women to avoid going into battle by injecting hormones of the opposite sex into their bodies or having their balls cut off, even US Veterans all across the country, who have dedicated and sacrificed their lives to protect this nation and our values, are also now standing up to this madness.

And warning us that the vilification of white, patriotic Americans is all part of the process of tearing our nation apart in order for them to install a tyrannical global government, as Steve warns us, we no longer have a TRUE ‘Defense Department‘ as we did in days gone by, nor will we have a ‘battle hardened‘ military force, with our DOD under Joe Biden and Lloyd Austin embarrassing itself and completely humiliating itself in front of Russia, China and the entire world.

Also warning that ‘the dumbed down, clueless masses‘ seem to look at themselves as ‘extras‘ in a ‘war movie,‘ ready to collect their actors checks, while truly believing that war will never come home here to America, as they also emphasize, It’s all going to get very real when the first mushroom clouds appear, or all of these military-aged men from China, who the ‘biden crime cabal‘ has allowed into our nation, start carrying out their assigned tasks which have nothing at all to do with preserving freedom or protecting the American people.

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