Fox News Will Match Donations to Satanic Temple


from Moonbattery:

It is the least awful pillar of the liberal establishment media, but when it comes to making money from countermoonbats and spending it to advance moonbattery, Fox News may top even Chick-fil-A.

The Blaze shares revelations passed along by whistleblowers within Fox News:

“Fox Giving” is an app in the company portal that facilitates charitable donations via the Canadian-based donation management platform Benevity. Fox will apparently match donations up to $1,000 to various organizations that satisfy the company’s criteria.


These criteria are plenty inclusive where malevolent moonbats are concerned.

[T]he company is willing to match donations to the Satanic Templethe Trevor ProjectPlanned Parenthood (and local Planned Parenthood branches), and the Southern Poverty Law Center – radical leftist groups antipathetic to conservatives and the values they hold most dear.

Although the Satanic Temple does not exceed the level of evil of the other three, it isn’t for want of trying:

The Satanic Temple is an atheistic leftist organization that has distributed satanic literature to children; publicly performed “unbaptisms”; sought to ensure that women can legally have their unborn children killed by way of their “religious abortion ritual”; and erected statues of Baphomet on government property.

The Trevor Project pushes the demonic transsexual agenda, including sex-change mutilation for children.

Southern Poverty Law Center generates propaganda smearing anyone to the right of all the way left as an “extremist,” a “racist,” et cetera. Its “hate map” inspired an attempted mass murder at the offices of the Family Research Council.

Planned Parenthood has left the Third Reich behind in terms of genocide, having exterminated nearly 9 million babies since 1970, and has branched out into transsexualizing children.

More conspicuously pernicious organizations would be difficult to imagine. All qualify for matching donations from Fox News.

An insider provides context:

“It shows complete disregard and hatred for Fox’s core audience, which is a huge part of the country. They watch believing Fox is speaking for them, when in reality it’s a company participating in certain things that don’t match their audience’s values. [The disdain] is driven more by executives, lawyers, and HR than people realize, especially post-Dominion,” said the former producer, referencing the company’s $787.5 million settlement with Dominion Voting Services earlier this year.

That settlement was soon followed by the firing of Tucker Carlson, whose scalp liberals had been after for years. Since then, the alarmingly left-wing corporate culture at Fox News has been coming to light.

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