Exposed: UN Set to Launch ‘Global Shocks’ Plan Just Prior to US Presidential Election


by Anthony Gonzalez, Western Journal:

The powerful United Nations is now seeking to increase its influence worldwide by seizing global “emergency” powers, and President Joe Biden supports their proposal.

Interestingly, the U.N. proposal would begin September 2024, a mere two months before a highly anticipated general election in the U.S.

The global organization will host a “Summit of the Future” where associated nations will adopt a so-called “Pact for the Future.”


The “pact,” or agreement, would set in place multiple policy reforms offered by the U.N. in past years as part of its “Our Common Agenda” platform.

While there are several aggressive proposals included in the agenda, none are as disconcerting as the U.N.’s plan for an “emergency platform,” which would provide the international organization significant powers in times of “global shocks,” such as another global pandemic.

Most details of the U.N.’s proposal were included in a March policy paper titled, “Strengthening the International Response to Complex Global Shocks — An Emergency Platform.”

The U.N.’s secretary-general, António Guterres, outlined the emergency platform proposal: “I propose that the General Assembly provide the Secretary-General and the United Nations system with a standing authority to convene and operationalize automatically an Emergency Platform in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient scale, severity and reach.”

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