BREAKING NEWS: NATO Summit produces plan to fast-track Ukrainian membership into the military alliance, practically guaranteeing onset of World War III


by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

It should be troubling to everyone living in the U.S., Canada and Europe that two days after Joe Biden announced to the world that the U.S. is “running low” on ammunition, he and his NATO partners announce they are doubling down on their support for Ukraine’s inclusion in the NATO military alliance, which is a clear provocation to nuclear-armed Russia.

Sweden will be allowed into NATO immediately and Ukraine is being placed on a “path forward” to full NATO membership, said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Tuesday, July 11, at the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania.


“This will move Ukraine closer to NATO,” he said, adding that the membership process for Ukraine is being fast-tracked “from a two-step process into a one-step process.”

Finland just joined NATO a couple of months ago. Now Sweden. Soon Ukraine.

Russia will be surrounded by heavily armed NATO member states.

The West has now fully played its hand.

The whole reason for the war between Russia and Ukraine is because Russia didn’t want Ukraine joining the Western military alliance known as NATO.

NATO is not like the E.U., which is an economic alliance. NATO is a large and growing military alliance of 31 countries that has more than doubled in size since its founding in 1949 and in recent years has added former Eastern Bloc nations on Russia’s border, in direct violation of verbal assurances made to Russia by then-Secretary of State James A. Baker III, upon the breakup of the Soviet empire in 1990. If one country gets attacked by a non-NATO country, all of NATO is pledged to join in the fighting under a collective defense clause known as “Article 5.”

But what if one NATO member provokes an invasion from Russia or some other country? Then all of the other 30 NATO members are pledged to come to the aid of that one nation that provoked war.

By surrounding a nuclear-armed world power the likes of Russia, NATO is acting in the most reckless and provocative manner possible for a military alliance that is designed with a collective “defense” clause.

Below, watch NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, speaking to the media at the NATO Summit in Vilnius, on Tuesday, July 11, 2023.

Stoltenberg also told assembled media that NATO has agreed to put 300,000 troops on “Stand-by” alert.  “This includes air and naval assets” he added.

By stating that Ukraine is on a “multi-year path to NATO membership,” this is the equivalent of a declaration of war against Russia. It gives Russia no incentive to end the war with Ukraine because Russia now knows that as long as there is a sovereign country called Ukraine, it will be on a path to joining a military alliance dedicated to the destruction of Russia, or at the very least greatly weakening it. In fact, there’s already a neocon plan on the books in Washington to defeat Russia militarily and break it up into several separate countries.

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