While Beclowned Biden Links Canada’s Ongoing Hell-Fires To ‘Climate Crisis’ And ‘Global Warming,’ Signs Intentional Climate Engineering Atrocities Are Really Fueling Global Incineration


by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

In late October of 2003 San Diego had one of the worst firestorms in US history up to that time.  The San Diego Union-Tribune called it “the hurricane from hell” as a lost hunter lighting a signal fire as the sun set sparked what would become Firestorm 2003 in the roadless Cleveland National Forest burning a 28 mile line of total destruction in only 14 hours.  With at least 16 people dead and more than 2,400 homes lost it turned 400,000 acres into charcoal and out was the largest forest fire in California up to that point in time.

Five years ago Smart Meters started what were originally claimed were “climate change” forest fires, except they were neither forest fires nor climate change related.  Of course, poor forest management and other causes were blamed, but still three years later Southern California Edison agreed to pay $2.2 Billion in damages caused by their smart meters which, incidentally, did “not cause” the fires or so they claimed.

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The state’s largest utility Pacific Gas and Electric of northern California was forced into bankruptcy in 2019 for the same thing.  Yet more smart meter blamed fires ignited across the nation, but they do not start fires those responsible claim.  Instead, EMF radiation must be the culprit as microwave radiation dries out the plants and they just burst into fire for no other apparent reason than global warming and please do not involve G5 cell sites in the discussion as that is off limits.

And of course directed energy weapons were also blamed for those fires with very contrived “proofs”.  There are many videos online showing this theory, and one of the better ones is located HERE.  Just less than nine minutes in length, but note some of his points actually point more towards the smart meters.  Not to be forgotten, the “deep state” and Agenda 21/30 are also the real problem as shown in this video HERE.  The point to grasp is that there are many causes of fires, forest or otherwise, and truth is rarely involved in the blame game with the final analysis yet to be written on many of those fires.

Of course the US military has used forest fires as a military weapon as shown in the DoD report from June 1970 that it was used in Viet Nam and elsewhere, available HERE.  GeoEngineering Watch claimed that “climate engineering atrocities are a primary factor in the equation of exponentially increasing forest fires and fire intensity.”  They also give this interesting comment that should be taken with some seriousness; “Climate engineering is fueling global incineration.”  Climate Engineering IS GLOBAL WEATHER WARFARE.  The first video noted below is on this subject and much can be learned from it.

The current spate of forest fires erupting all over Canada is also sparking a wildfire of guesses and boisterous conjecture that seems to be heating up as one supposition versus another sparks a hot war of what caused those fires.  Although much of it can be rejected outright, there seems to be some reasoning behind a few of those stories on the supposed cause of them all.

One of the most repeated causes of the recent massive fires has been that they were intentionally started.  While I do think that is a very good possibility, perhaps even a probability, that they are intentional the mechanism suggested and supplied “proof” is using false information.  Let’s start with a discussion of one of the most effective methods of fighting forest fires, the backfire.  Firefighting Insider discuss “controlled burns” and ask the question “can you really fight fire with fire?”  They answer with this simple explanation, “Firefighters set backfires to stop the spread or change the direction of a wildfire. This is done by burning the fuel (grass, brush, trees, etc.) in front of a wildfire so it has nothing to burn when it reaches that point.”  Basically, firefighters set backfire to stop a wildfire in its tracks. Firefighters use different methods to remove fuel in front of a fire to control and extinguish the fire, backfires and controlled burns are two of the methods used, and the video shown HERE shows them being set in a California fire.  I am not going to go into how it works, but a good visual explanation is on this report HERE.

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