Medical Coder Gives PROOF The US Govt Carried Out Absolutely HORRIFIC Mass Murders And Genocide Upon Americans! The ‘Depopulation Agenda’ Proven By Kamala Harris’s Own Words


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– Joe Biden & The Uni-Party Guilty Of The Worst Cover Up Of Genocide In History

If you were to ask just about anybody in this year of 2024 what they thought about the ‘depopulation agenda’ being pushed by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, the entire mainstream media apparatus and the whole US government, you’d surely get a look like ‘you’re crazy, man’ and a statement like ‘that’s a crazy, right-wing conspiracy theory,’ at least until you responded with their own statements and words.


With All News Pipeline being hugely attacked and even defunded over the years for publishing stories about the ‘depopulation agenda,’ despite sharing with you facts and statements made by various members of the ‘global elite,’ who we recommend permanently ditching that phrase ‘global elite’ to call them what they really are, ‘genocidal mass murderers,’ we’ve got to take a look within this story at more proof we were correct all along, that these ‘genocidal mass murderers‘ have long had very REAL plans, to KILL YOU and your family members, as well as more proof that ‘big tech’ is covering up this mass murder being carried out across America and the entire world by our VERY OWN GOVERNMENT.

And while psychopaths like ‘mass murderer Joe Biden’ and ‘mass murderer Kamala Harris’ might call us crazy, we’re going to take a look right now at remarks made just recently by ‘mass murderer Kamala Harris,’ which we invite her to refute, but which we can guarantee, she’ll never be able to.

As Kamala was just recently babbling in this video saved over at ‘X’ for you all to hear, “When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and REDUCE POPULATIONmore of our children can breath clean air and drink clean water.” Well how are you going to go about ‘reducing the population,’ that you’re now speaking about, Kamala?

And how is ‘reducing the population‘ just a ‘crazy conspiracy theory‘ if America’s VP is now speaking about it? I suggest if Kamala REALLY wants to ‘reduce the population,’ she STARTS WITH HERSELF and shows ALL the rest of the country and the planet how it’s done! Then let the rest of the world decide for ourselves if we really want to go through with this devious and psychopathic plan of hers!

Otherwise, this ‘reducing the population’ that Kamala speaks of is BLATANT MASS MURDER ON A GLOBAL SCALE, being carried out by none other than Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the rest of the psychopaths in Washington DC and globally. And if it’s really mass murder, isn’t it long past time that the American people start using some of the 500 million+ ways we have to defend ourselves against these psychopaths? Of course, as a long time anti-war activist, I’d never advocated violence. But I always believe in self defense against psychopaths working secretly and silently to kill us so they can carry out ‘population reduction’. And you can read below from a hospital medical coder just how many innocent Americans all across the country this government of ours has already murdered! 

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