The World Economic Forum and U.N. Agenda 2030


by E. Jeffrey Ludwig, American Thinker:

Many articles are being published about the globalist agenda being put forward by the World Economic Forum and its megalomaniacal leadership, first and foremost Klaus Schwab, but also including Bill Gates and a mysterious figure Dr. Yuval Noah Harari who boasts a Ph.D. from Oxford in world history and now teaches at a university in Jerusalem.

Harari, like many of the globalists can sometimes sound non-threatening and even benign. For example, he writes, “There is no contradiction between nationalism and globalism. Because nationalism isn’t about hating foreigners. Nationalism is about loving your compatriots. And in the twenty-first century, in order to protect the safety and the future of your compatriots, you must cooperate with foreigners.”


This is a kind of Rodney Kingism on a global scale. What could be more benign than “cooperation?” Remember, there were riots in Los Angeles in 1992 after the jury found the police “Not Guilty” of criminal assault and wanton brutality after they beat up King, who had resisted arrest.  As the riots were going on, Rodney attempted to defuse the situation by saying, “Why can’t we all just get along?”

Harari sometimes makes more controversial comments than the need for “more cooperation.”  We sometimes find shocking one-liners such as his claim that there were originally six species of humans, but only one — homo sapiens — has survived.  How he “discovered” or “justifies” knowledge of six types of human beings is anything but obvious. He has no proof.

He founded a company called Sapienship with his “husband,” and they are committed to finding solutions to world problems in the areas of technological disruption, ecological collapse, and global war.  One of Harari’s most radical views is that human beings lack free will.  He wrote in the Guardian, “Unfortunately, ‘free will’ isn’t a scientific reality. It is a myth inherited from Christian theology. Theologians developed the idea of ‘free will’ to explain why God is right to punish sinners for their bad choices and reward saints for their good choices… “ Here, free will is not accepted as an almost universal premise, but is “Christian theology.”  Patently, this premise is false.  Joshua, the first Jewish judge in the Old Testament, said “Choose ye this day whom ye shall serve, but as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.” Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…”  And the Islamic murderous hordes as they swept across North Africa in the seventh century cried, “Convert of die!!” to the Christians unfortunate enough to be in their path. These were all “choices” presented to different populations.

The above quote from this sinister professor is a red flag for this writer pointing to positions that deny free will, deny morality, deny faith in Almighty God Creator of Heaven and Earth, and is a precursor to immoral and hateful propositions that the author and pundit Harari will justify as predetermined and thus “reality.”

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