Robert F. Kennedy Jr. angers military-industrial complex with call to ditch ‘forever war,’ de-escalate with Russia


by JD Heyes, Natural News:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is actually a viable candidate for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination. Still, he won’t get much traction because the party machine, its allies in the CIA-controlled media, and the deep state won’t ever let him get close to the Oval Office.

Not as president, at least.

That’s because he, like former President Donald Trump, is no fan of the “forever war” mindset of the American deep state and has just said as much during a major foreign policy speech that almost no one heard or knows about.


Referring to him as a “rising star,” LifeSite News noted that RFK Jr., “who has earned significant favorability against incumbent Joe Biden since he launched his left-field candidacy in April, argued for peace and de-escalation amid rising tensions with Russia in a speech heavily referencing the policies advanced by his uncle, former U.S. President John F. Kennedy.”

In his speech at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire, Kennedy, an author, environmental lawyer, and prominent vaccine skeptic, expressed his belief that together, “we can restore America to the awesome vitality of the original Kennedy era” through de-escalation and trust-building.

“As in my uncle’s time, nuclear tensions are at an extreme and dangerous level,” Kennedy Jr. said, harkening back to JFK’s “Peace Speech” he gave at American University in Washington, D.C., in June 1963, just a few months before he was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, in November of that year.

During his speech, the late former president encouraged Americans who were grappling with the tensions of the Cold War, particularly with Soviet Russia, to acknowledge shared aspects with the Russians. Despite considering communism as “profoundly repugnant,” he urged the audience to avoid developing a “distorted and desperate view of the other side.”

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