NWO Control Grid starts with the Connectivity of Everything: Will you hand over the keys to your life?


by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

‘Every time you use a QR Code you are working for them’

There’s a hidden motive behind the movement to transition Americans, Canadians, Europeans and Australians out of their gas-powered vehicles, out of their gas stoves and gas lawnmowers and into machines powered by electricity.

They tell you it’s to save the environment. I’m here to tell you that’s a lie. I’m all for the environment but this is not about the environment. That’s nothing more than a clever sales pitch. Notice how they never talk about where they’re going to put all those lithium-leaking batteries and toxic solar panels.

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So let’s address the real reason you’re being told to go electric.

Things powered by electricity are dependent on the electric grid, which is dependent on a relatively small number of government-dependent utility companies.

And if you read the websites of those utility companies you will see how eager they are to brag about their commitment to “sustainability,” “renewable energy,” “net zero carbon emissions,” etc. This is the language of United Nations Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals to transform the world through a “digital reset” and “Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

Utility companies are playing ball with the black hats who continuously tell us how we need to transition into a new order, “build back better,” with a new system based on 5G and digital everything. What they don’t tell you is that by going digital with the “internet of things,” where everyone and everything is connected 24/7, we are walking into a surveillance society that involves our total dependency on their digitally-connected, AI-powered tracking devices or all of life’s necessities. Accessing food, water, clothing, shelter, travel, healthcare, even the money in your bank account, will all require a digitized QR code, your unique digital identity.

This is not conspiracy theory. It’s all out in the wide open in open-sourced documents at the World Economic Forum, the U.N. and elsewhere. Check out the World Economic Forum’s January 2020 White Paper Reimagining Digital Identity: A Strategic Imperative.

As I discussed in a couple of recent articles, this is one of the main reasons why the Western globalist powers led by the United States must bring Russia to heel. Russia, along with their new partners in Saudi Arabia, control way too much cheap oil and gas for the West’s liking.

Unfortunately for the Western globalists, wind and solar are more expensive to produce and less reliable in performance. Hence, Russia must be dealt with through regime change and Balkanization.

The plan is for a vastly smaller global population using things connected to the internet and the electric-power grid where they can be monitored 24/7 and 100 percent controlled, not only in terms of their movement and use of resources, but also in terms of their speech and political expression on the connected devices. If these globalists are successful, you will be tethered to a digital identity that makes it impossible to escape detection online. You make a comment on social media or a blog like this that goes against the prescribed narrative of the state and its corporate partners, then you get downgraded on your social-credit score and eventually lose your “privilege” to log onto the internet. These are the “digital finger prints” that Barack Obama recently talked about in an interview with one of the corporate media shills.

IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR: If this website should ever be taken down by internet censors operating in lock-step with the UN and other globalist bodies seeking to silence conservative voices online, please find me, Leo Hohmann, at my backup venue, LeoHohmann.Substack.com. You can also find me on Rumble at “LeoHohmann”.

As I’ve been repeating over and over for two years or more, the globalists are determined, through whatever means necessary, to achieve two goals in the near term: the assignment of a trackable digital identity/QR Code to every human being, followed by the rollout of a globally recognized digital currency.

Read More @ LeoHohmann.com