Japanese Firm N-Ark Creating ‘Dogen City’ That Is The Latest In An Ever-Growing Line Of Apocalyptic Doomsday Living Compounds Around The Globe


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

The end times apocalyptic Dogen City from Japanese design firm N-Ark aims to create a 21st century Noah’s Ark to hide from God’s wrath in, what could go wrong?

When we relaunch the Podcast tomorrow, Lord willing, it will be Day 1,190 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, and the pre-pandemic world we left behind has evaporated like chaff on the summer threshing floor, never to be seen again. In it’s place a global dystopia has risen up, giving us things like 15-minute citiesThe LineNEOM, and let’s not forget the Abrahamic Family House. But here’s what the New World Order doesn’t quite understand about the coming apocalypse. God promised never again to flood the earth, so any type of nautical ark, including Noah’s Ark, is useless. Wrong dispensation. The apocalypse comes with fire, lots and lots of fire. The designers of Dogen City are very much in-line with Agenda 2030“New Ocean is a term intended for the ocean version of the private space business innovation ‘New Space’ started by Space X,” says N-Ark in a statement. Watch out for those words that end in ‘X’. They are preparing this lost world for the arrival of Antichrist.

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Yep, your King James Bible is all the Truth you need to navigate your way through the end times. Don’t leave home without it.

‘Noah’s Ark’ doomsday: Incredible plan Dogen City that would house 40,000 in end times apocalypse

FROM THE NY POST: Japanese designers have released renderings for their idea of an end-times solution: A huge, buoyant metropolis capable of hosting some 40,000 humans. Come judgment day, these developers plan to float away on a city-sized vessel.

The firm N-Ark is working on an answer to the apocalypse inspired by Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Noah’s Ark, for which the company is named, according to SWNS. Currently named Dogen City, the Bible- and billionaire-based concept would promise tens of thousands of people a self-sufficient oasis safe from rising sea levels.

Dogen City will contain a variety of buildings, including a sports stadium encircled by a weather-resistant ring, which will encompass a roving economic zone entitled New Ocean.

The structures will be able to sail to new locations as needed and will be resilient in the face of climate change, the N-Ark developers explained. Residents will be able to traverse the city within an hour, its outer ring measuring only 2.4 miles in circumference.

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