Where Are the Pedophiles?


by Fed Up Texas Chick, The Tenpenny Report:

Where are the pedophiles? It turns out that many of them are at the United Nations.

Recently, in March, the United Nations had some fine print in their report on the UN Programme on HIV/AIDS. In a nutshell, the UN global leaders are trying to normalize pedophilia.

A disturbing new report from the United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) adds to growing concerns about global leaders pushing to normalize pedophilia. The report professes to be a human-rights based approach to criminal law regarding sexual matters, and it seems that human rights apparently involves children under age 18 having the right to have sex with an adult. The authors encourage law enforcement, lawyers, and judges to consider the rights of minors to make decisions about consensual sex with adults. The children are described as having “a right to be heard”, “evolving capacities” and “progressive autonomy” to participate in decisions that affect them. Even more disturbing, there is no mention about what the age of consent should be. The report also mentions that abortion is a human right. Of course it does.

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Fancy wording aside, the report is essentially calling for sex between minors and adults to be decriminalized. Isn’t it interesting that the sales tactic for these things is always that the person (in this case, a child) is being deprived of something. This is yet another notch in the disturbing trend to let very young minors decide on all sorts of things, even gender transition surgeries, without parental involvement. It is also another effort to normalize pedophilia, just as the substituted term “minor attracted person” does.

The foreword for the UN report was written by a South African lawyer who describes himself as “proudly gay” and says that laws about sex can make people “feel ostracized because of their sexual behavior.” Boo hoo, criminal law is marginalizing individuals. You mean like marginalizing criminals?

Ah yes, those pesky laws! Is pedophilia really a sexual behavior, or are pedophiles sexual deviants?

Not The First Rodeo

It’s no wonder that the UN is such a proponent of pedophilia. After all, the organization has been leading the charge for several years. In 2018, this Jerusalem Post reported that an estimated 60,000 cases of sexual exploitation had been committed by UN staff, including thousands of rapes of women and children over the last decade. The Post reports that tens of thousands of UN workers around the world have pedophilic tendencies. Estimates were that 3,300 pedophiles worked in the UN at the time, but if they’re all wearing UNICEF shirts, does anyone really question their motives? No. These are predators who use these jobs to gain access to a vulnerable population. The article goes on to say that organizations like the UK’s National Crime Authority (NCA) have been warning about this since 1999.

What this means is that any country that funds the UN is inadvertently funding child rape. But it is not just the UN; the NCA says many children’s charities are suspect. A big scandal with Oxfam surfaced when it was found that staff who had gone to Haiti to help with the earthquake in 2010 had paid for sex while on the job. But of course the biggest scandal in Haiti involved the Clinton Foundation.

Interestingly, Bill Clinton was hand-picked by the UN as a special envoy to Haiti for earthquake recovery efforts. Hillary discussed “options” with her lawyer, Cheryl Mills. Coincidentally, three weeks later, Haitian law enforcement arrested Baptist missionaries from the US for attempting to abduct 33 children, taking them from Haiti to the Dominican Republic. Many of the children had families and were not orphans.

Did the UN need Clinton to put out that fire? It seems so. Clinton took great interest in the case, and swooped in with his southern charm to secure the release of these missionaries, who professed ignorance of Haitian law. One person was not part of that initial release. Her name was Laura Silsby, group leader of the missionaries. Silsby’s lawyer (and his wife) were even arrested for human trafficking and his affiliation with a large trafficking network was revealed. Despite all of this, the Clintons still worked tirelessly for Silsby’s release.

What is interesting is that Hillary Clinton’s affiliation with Silsby dates back to at least 2001.Hillary seemed to have interest in Silsby’s non-governmental organization, which she planned to build in the Dominican but relocated to Haiti. Hillary’s pal Huma Abedin constantly sent articles to Hillary about Silsby’s organization, according to the Wikileaks emails, and Silsby regularly asked the Clinton Foundation for donations to her ministry. Silsby was eventually released, even though she had previously tried to traffic children out of Haiti. Silsby was sentenced to time already served in prison by a judge who did not explain his decision regarding the final shockingly light penalty of “arranging irregular travel.” After the Haitian debacle, Silsby returned to her home state of Idaho and married in 2015, taking the last name of Gayler. Believe it or not, Silsby went on to work for Amber Alerts, a company that issues warnings about kidnapped kids. You just cannot make this stuff up.

Many people were shocked to learn that the Clintons would actually work toward a reduced sentence for Silsby, a convicted child trafficker , but others who were not shocked followed this trail which eventually led them to the Pizzagate scandal.

More Prevalent Than We Think

The sad and shocking reality is that pedophilia is more rampant than we think. Here is one example from Iceland. Much like the Clintons did in Haiti, government officials in Iceland also covered up pedophilia in the government ranks. It’s the same story: government officials writing recommendation letters for convicted pedophiles to expunge criminal records. Again, it is about their right to regain their rights. In this case, a government official vouched for the character of a person who raped his stepdaughter every day for 12 years. The scandal brought down Iceland’s government, and that was six years ago.

Not surprisingly, the media is also a huge cover for pedophilia. This is nothing new. In fact, it has been going on for over a decade, and most likely longer.

In 2012, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) was also rocked with a scandal. The BBC housed a pedophile ring, especially amongst their BBC stars. Most notably, the BBC was accused of covering up sexual abuse by Jimmy Saville, pal to Prince (I mean King) Charles. This pedophile crisis was the worst crisis in BBC history. Saville is now deceased but had a history of abusing young girls, as young as the age of eight, over a 60-year period, with some of the attacks on BBC premises because Saville worked at BBC. In fact, some have identified an organized pedophile ring involving many BBC celebrities. Saville was the worst kind of predator, having raped both males and females age 5 to 75 in hospitals, including mental hospitals. BBC even has a sculpture of a naked boy above their main entrance! The sculpture was crafted by Eric Gill, a known pedophile guilty of incest with his sister and two underage daughters. He even had sex with the family dog. Who are these people?

Not to be outdone by BBC, CNN has had its own pedophile issues. In late 2021, Chris Cuomo’s producer John Griffin was arrested for attempting to engage minors in sex. Griffin believes in sexually subservient women and also believes a woman is a woman at any age. He used online platforms to entice mothers who would let him train their underage daughters in this fashion. The FBI knew about Griffin’s dark deeds 18 months prior when a mom pimped out her 9-year-old daughter to Griffin, who paid her $3,500 via Venmo. They even seized his devices in September 2020. When he set aside a Vermont ski house for “training” three moms and three daughters, the authorities nabbed him in December 2021. A second producer (for Jake Tapper) named Rick Saleeby was arrested on similar charges shortly after Griffin’s arrest.

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