The Debt Ceiling Deal Is Far Worse Than Most Conservatives Imagined


by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

As details emerge about the debt ceiling deal reached between Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy and the Biden-Harris regime, the hopes of sensible fiscal policy flies out the window. Most conservatives who have been paying attention knew we were going to get hosed, but this is even worse than expected.

Here’s a breakdown by Congressman Chip Roy with some of the main points of idiocy:


Turns out this chart is basically accurate. Will fill it in tomorrow more fully… but to best of our current understanding with NO text… 1) Debt ceiling set til 1/1/2025 – which means unknown debt increase – but $4 Trillion is a good estimate…

Debt Ceiling Deal

2) Debt Ceiling “Deal” totally scraps the $131BB in cuts to return bureaucracy to pre-COVID levels in favor of what appears to be effectively flat spending (down or up a little) – at the bloated 2023 Omnibus spending level, jammed through in a rush in December…

3) Debt Ceiling “Deal” abandons work requirements for Medicaid

4) Deal abandons our repeal of the so-called Inflation Reduction Act tax-credit crony giveaways – which Goldman Sachs says costs $1.2 Trillion.

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