Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tag: The Next Plandemic? Experts Say Bird Flu Virus Is “Changing Rapidly”

The Next Plandemic? Experts Say Bird Flu Virus Is “Changing Rapidly”

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Experts are warning that during the largest ongoing outbreak of avian influenza or bird flu, that the virus is “changing rapidly.” Because of this, the elitists and rulers are calling for a mass vaccination campaign for poultry.

While emphasizing that the risk to humans remains low, the experts who spoke to the Associated Free Press said that the surging number of bird flu cases in mammals was a cause for concern. The virus causing record cases of avian influenza in birds across the world is changing rapidly, experts have warned, as calls increase for countries to vaccinate their poultry, according to a report by Medical Xpress.