Monday, March 3, 2025

Tag: NO Food

No Farms, No Food

by Dr. David Bell, Daily Sceptic:

We live in a world where oligarchs accumulate land, use their media assets to denigrate natural foods and invest in fake alternatives. On the other ‘side’, wealthy professionals calling themselves freedom fighters travel the world and the internet insisting we should eat organic and local. Meanwhile, the food security of many of the eight billion-plus of us remains at the mercy of the weather, diseases and insects. Neither side offers a viable solution or much benefit for many beyond themselves.

An increasing realisation of the corruption and greed that drives much of our New Normal is motivating a growing movement for self-sufficiency. Local sourcing of natural-grown foods is coupled with denigration of big agribusiness and industrialised food production. Incoherently, it is also often coupled with claims that those backing the big agribusiness enemy are aiming for depopulation, while the way in which small-scale agriculture will feed the world’s growing population is left unexplained.

Globalist Death Cult Tells Us What’s Next: ‘NO Internet, NO Phone, NO Power, NO Food, NO Going Back To Normal’ – Barack & Michelle Obama Produced New Movie Predicting TEOTWAWKI

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– ‘The most blatant examples of predictive programming and cabal symbolism I’ve ever seen’

Back in August of 2022, Steve Quayle linked to a video on his website titled “The History of Predictive Programming In Film,” with Steve leaving an SQnote while linking to that video, “Very important topic based on the history of Hollywood’s ties to the intelligence industries.”

No Farmers, No Food

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • A war against farmers has emerged, threatening to push them off the land they’ve farmed for generations
  • As small and mid-sized farms close their doors, governments and corporate entities can scoop up the land
  • Those in control of the land control the food supply and, along with it, the people
  • Much of this threat is cloaked under Agenda 2030, which includes 17 sustainable development goals with 169 specific targets to be imposed across the globe, in every country, by 2030

Dutch MEP Rob Roos Slams Globalists ‘Great Food Reset’ Policy: ‘No Farmers, No Food, No Future’ (Video)

by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation:

Roos’s call to protect and cherish our farmers and demand transparency in our food labeling is a clarion call to action.

In a recent speech at the European Parliament, Dutch politician and current Member of the European Parliament, Robert “Rob” Roos, spoke out against the EU’s “Great Food Reset” policy, which he claims is leading to harrowing scenes in the Netherlands. Roos argued that farmers have been producing food for centuries and are an essential part of Europe’s heritage and culture. However, the EU and United Nation’s trade agreements are inundating the market with products from half the world, even as farmers are being killed off with legislation aimed at climate action, including the ban of nitrogen fertilizer, an essential component of modern agriculture.