by Emily Kopp, Discern Report:
Editor’s Note: The incredible researches at watchdog group US Right To Know have done a fabulous job of exposing the dastardly deeds of scientists in America. They do so in a very “proper” and cautious manner, but it’s important to note up front that despite their muted tone in the article below, this is an absolute bombshell that highlights extreme degrees of misdeeds that almost certainly led to the development of Covid-19. I just don’t want the “proper” telling of the facts to disguise the greed and evil that drove the nation and the world to its knees. The original title of the article was, “American scientists misled Pentagon on research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” but I changed that too in order to highlight the blockbuster details of this report. With that said, here’s Emily Kopp from USRTK…