by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:
Communist China is a rogue nation that likes to pretend that they are civilized, but in reality are not, they are always up to some sort of scheme. Because of their large size and their economy, most nations and nearly all corporations turn the other way in order to keep doing business with them. In 2021, we reported to you on the concentration camps active in China for the purpose of enslaving the Uighur Muslims. Nike profits handsomely by using this slave labor pool to make their trendy sneakers, and radical Leftists like Colin Kaepernick, Lebron James and nearly the entire NBA, just to name a few, lose no sleep over this arrangement. Walt Disney as well has no guilt or remorse filming movies within a mile of the concentration camps. So when China wants to ‘drill a hole’ that extends 32,800 feet into the earth you just know something shady is going on.