Saturday, May 25, 2024

Complete mystery…I hope they can figure it out. 🤡


I wonder why this isn’t the headline in every newspaper & the lead story on every TV news show?

Why Is the Pentagon “Weaponizing Insects”?

by F. William Engdahl, Global Research:

There is strong evidence that the Pentagon, through its research and development agency, DARPA, is developing genetically modified insects that would be capable of destroying agriculture crops of a potential enemy. The claim has been denied by DARPA, but leading biologists have sounded the alarm on what is taking place using new “gene-editing” CRISPR technology to in effect weaponize insects. It’s like a 21st Century update of the Biblical plague of locusts, only potentially far worse.

The Pentagon Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA, is funding a program with the bizarre name “Insect Allies.” Dr. Blake Bextine of DARPA describes the program as “leveraging a natural and efficient two-step delivery system to transfer modified genes to plants: insect vectors and the plant viruses they transmit.” DARPA claims the program is to provide “scalable, readily deployable, and generalizable countermeasures against potential natural and engineered threats to the food supply with the goals of preserving the US crop system.” Check the language: scalable, readily deployable…

New Information On White Fibrous Blood Clots With Updated Statistics

from The New American:


Interesting…more hospital stays…gee I sure hope they can figure it out. It’s a complete mystery I guess.


from Victor Hugo Maverick Artist:


Large new study finds COVID jabs carry increased risks of heart, brain, blood diseases

by Calvin Freiburger, LifeSite News:

The study of 99 million jabbed people found ‘significantly higher risks of myocarditis’ after mRNA COVID shots, as well as increased risks of pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and other diseases.

A new COVID-19 jab study being billed as the largest to date has found increased risks of rare heart, brain, and blood disorders, yet the organization behind the controversial shots continues to defend them.

DEVELOPING: Secret Documents Reveal Trudeau Government Virologists Had “Clandestine Relationship” With Chinese Agents

by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

Documents authored by Canada’s top intelligence service reveal the long awaited explanation behind the abrupt departure of two virologists from Canada’s top biolaboratory.

Canada is under siege.

Its government is fully controlled by the technocommunist WEF.

Justin Trudeau is a WEF “penetrator” puppet.

We spent trillions “fighting COVID-19” yet had more deaths than countries that did nothing.

Watch: Bird Flu Vaccines ‘Ready for Mass Production’

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

Dr. Richard Bartlett, an emergency room director and former Texas Department of Health and Human Services advisory council member, joined “The Defender In-Depth” this week to discuss gain-of-function research on bird flu, bird flu vaccines and why the U.S. government set aside $1 billion for a zoonotic infection and flu pandemic.

Conspiracy Confession: COVID Jab Cause SEVERE Side-Effects & They Knew It

from Red Voice Media:


Esteemed molecular biologist warns of ‘smoking gun’ evidence COVID-19 was engineered by researchers at Chinese lab

by Paul Sacca, The Blaze:

An esteemed molecular biologist has come forward to warn of “smoking gun” evidence that COVID-19 not only originated from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, but it was engineered by researchers at the Chinese lab.

Richard H. Ebright, Ph.D., is a molecular biologist at Rutgers University and is on the Board of Governors Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University and Laboratory Director at the Waksman Institute of Microbiology. The Harvard Junior Fellow earned the Searle Scholar Award, was named a Johnson & Johnson Discovery Research Fellow, was awarded the Walter J. Johnson Prize, was named Infectious Diseases Society of America Fellow, and took home the National Institutes of Health MERIT Award.

How Ivermectin Trials Were Designed to Fail

from The Epoch Times:

Despite the proven efficacy of ivermectin in treating COVID-19, some studies in top-tier journals have concluded otherwise. Which data should we trust?
Health Viewpoints

The use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 is an ongoing debate. The central conflict is that while many doctors have reported success in using ivermectin, some studies published in major journals suggest it is in fact ineffective.