Poppy’s “V.A.N”: One of the Most Blatant MKULTRA Videos Ever Made


from Vigilant Citizen:

After years of subtly hinting at Monarch mind control on YouTube, Poppy’s video “V.A.N” puts it all in the open. Here’s a look at one of the most blatant music videos about MKULTRA ever made.

In 2017, I published an article about Poppy – a YouTuber who went viral due to her bizarre short videos which appeared to conceal hidden messages. The title of the article: “That Poppy”: The YouTube Star Under Illuminati Mind Control. While, at first glance, that title seemed a bit much, it was the only accurate way of summing up the messages and symbolism peppered throughout her videos. Because, when one pieces together the narrative of these seemingly absurd and nonsensical videos, one comes to an inevitable conclusion: Poppy is an MK slave.

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Whether Poppy is an actual slave or she’s only playing a role is up for debate. However, beyond the imagery, there’s something “off” about some of these videos as they hint at actual abuse suffered by Poppy. Indeed, in some videos, Poppy appears to be bruised or completely traumatized while, in others, she’s being subjected to mild forms of torture.

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