Illinois bill could imprison parents for not helping daughters abort their grandchild


by Matt Lamb, LifeSite News:

The proposed legislation would also target parents who decline to help their minors undergo surgical or chemical mutilation in order to present themselves as the opposite sex.

(LifeSiteNews) – Illinois parents and guardians could face criminal child abuse charges if they don’t help their children or others under their care get abortions.


The proposed legislation would also target parents who decline to help their minors undergo surgical or chemical mutilation in order to present themselves as the opposite sex.

Democratic Rep. Anne Stava-Murray introduced the bill last week. HB4876 would amend the “Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act” to declare anyone an “abused child” if they are denied “primary care services, abortion services, or gender-affirming services.”

It would also shield abortionists, surgeons, and other medical professionals from “civil or criminal liability” if they kill preborn babies or remove healthy organs from kids without their parent’s consent. Child abuse charges carry prison time as well as fines.

It is part of a broader campaign by Illinois Democrats to wipe out all protections for preborn babies, minor children seeking abortions, and women in general. The state has already legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. The state also no longer requires parental notification. In addition, Illinois directly funds abortions using taxpayer dollars following a law signed by liberal Republican Governor Bruce Rauner in 2017.

However, Democrats and pro-abortion activists in the state have failed to force pro-life pregnancy resource centers to promote and refer for abortions. Following a federal lawsuit, Governor J.B. Pritzker and Attorney General Kwame Raoul both agreed not to enforce Senate Bill 1909, which targeted pregnancy centers for allegedly having “deceptive business practices.”

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