Yeah, No – We’re Not Ready to Forgive Bud Light


by Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:

Remember how we were boycotting Bud Light for trying to impose the cultural values of your standard Chardonnay-swilling divorced shut-in cat lady upon America? As you recall, Bud Light decided that it would celebrate some ugly dude who pretends to be an even uglier woman as some sort of hero, and then compounded it by having its wine woman – it’s always liberal wine women – executive explain that its consumers are a bunch of knuckle-dragging savages who are too stupid to understand the nuances of today’s society, which apparently means pretending dudes are chicks. It was obnoxious and gratuitously insulting to its audience and just caught fire. We are fed up with having giant faceless corporations trying to impose their garbage values on us, and Bud Light happened to step into the kill zone. And it got crushed.


So, whatever happened to that? What happened to the conservative unity? We finally took a scalp (a streak continued by the destruction of pinko Harvard’s reputation). Well, as conservatives often do, they have squandered their advantage for about 30 pieces of silver.

Bud Light looked at the conservative movement and did the smart thing. It paid tens of millions of dollars to a bunch of pseudo-conservative influencers to buy their acquiescence. It literally paid off a bunch of people whom we conservatives are supposed to respect to get them to tell us that, no, it’s all cool, it’s fine. Now, perhaps I am cynical. Perhaps they actually thought Bud Light had redeemed itself even before the suds corporation started stroking checks. Chet the Unicorn, who loves Bud Light, thinks so.

So, I guess we don’t need to be boycotting it anymore. Here, drink up this disgusting swell.

I’m not sure this flex is going to work. Now, I’m not Bud Light’s demographic because I like good beer, and I don’t have enough time left on the hourglass to spend it guzzling brew that does not taste appreciably different going in than I expect it does coming out. Bud Light didn’t lose me because it never had me. I might as well boycott Massengill Summer’s Eve – I’m not ever buying it either. But there are a lot of guys out there who, for reasons that I don’t understand, used to choose to drink Bud Light but have now made the choice not to. They should continue to make that choice.

As a Los Angeles trial lawyer, I love the cynicism of literally buying off conservative influencers to end the misery. Corporations need to do what’s right for the bottom line, I guess, though I would suggest that maybe not hiring people to market your crappy product wh hate your audience might be a better option. I would be mildly insulted if I actually cared what the head of the World Federation of Sweaty Men Rolling Around With Each Other thinks, though, apparently, the Bud Light guys believe that WFSMRAWEO is super influential. If you’re influenced by its business decisions, your judgment about culture and politics is probably just as bad as your judgment about beer. But Bud Light thinks buying out of the boycott is a great investment. And so do a bunch of conservative influencers, apparently.

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