Not only did the Covid vax murderers commit selective national genocide worldwide…..


from State Of The Nation:

…they targeted certain groups of people in specific locations in the special AGENDA 30 countries.
SOTN Editor’s Note: Every day now a new Covid vax data dump occurs somewhere around world that reconfirms that the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda is perfectly aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Here’s the short story.

We all saw how the New World Order globalist cabal thought nothing of massacring the residents of Lahaina — women, children and elderly — via those transparent DEWs attacks, naked acts of pyroterrorism and obvious geoengineered hurricane.  That was a classic “slash and burn” operation designed to expeditiously move the people away from Lahaina which was actually named OPERATION MAUI INFERNO by the U.S. Intel Community.  That entire Gladio-style black op and psyop was executed according to the highly classified dictates of their top secret AGENDA 2023.

Similarly, the various Covid ‘vaccines’ were designed to wipe out specific groups of people and communities very quickly which were considered impediments to the AGENGA 2030 implementation plan.  In point of fact, the nation of New Zealand has always been identified as prime real estate for the power elites for several obvious reasons.  That’s why it has been kept so pure and pristine all these years … so that when the top Illuminati families converge there during their long-planned End-Time scenario, it’s not so polluted like the rest of the planet.

However, as far as The Powers That Be are concerned, it’s the many useless eaters who are domiciled in the wrong areas who are the biggest problem.  Worse yet for them, it’s the useless eaters who are rebels and truth-speakers, iconoclasts and truth-seekers who are really the greatest obstacles to their nefarious agendas.  Which is exactly why they had to be wiped out in New Zealand before they exposed the very stealthy island takeover plot.
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