Bring Back The Asylums: Half The Homeless And Drug Addicted Populations Have At Least One Mental Illness – We Should Be Taking Care Of Americans Rather Than Spending Trillions On Ukraine, Foreign Aid And Illegals


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

As we watch our city streets become open drug dens, with “zombified” men and women openly shooting up drugs in public, and soft on crime policies leaving criminals on the street to continue to commit crimes, and prosecutors backed by money from George Soros groups refusing to bring charges against those committing crimes, we take note of a few points.

• With deinstitutionalization (shutting down all insane asylums), crimes rose exponentially.


• Later, as bleeding hearts decried the “abuse” of locking away criminals in prisons, and the insidious liberal policies that followed, accurate statistics on crime became impossible, because a significant number of crimes went unaddressed and uncharged.

• The “statistics” being used to claim overall crime is down, ignores the in your face crimes being committed, from theft to looting to openly doing drugs in the streets, because less are being arrested, charged, and prosecuted.

The downfall of our society as a whole began when the same type of bleeding hearts that created asylums to begin with, then decided they needed to be shut down, and then decided that prisons were to harsh a punishment for criminals.

As the chart above shows, in 1960, before the phase of deinstitutionalization began, crime was at a low point. Insane asylums began receiving bad press due the conditions in the underfunded facilities, and the closures started, but didn’t hit full stride until around the 1990s.

Notice how in the early 1990s crime peaked, and then started decreasing again.

While President Bill Clinton made many mistakes, understanding that if he had any chance of reelection by 1996, he had to do something about the crime peak, so he signed the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act into law.

The crime bill in question is the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, an enormous $30bn (£21bn) package that was the largest crime-control bill in US history. Critics say the bill decimated communities of color and accelerated mass incarceration. Proponents say it contributed to the precipitous decline in violent crime in the US that began in the mid-1990s.

Basically Clinton replaced insane asylums with prisons, and with the mentally ill off the streets again, the crime rates went down.

Which brings us to Barack Obama, who decided that mass incarceration was a problem, so he took actions that helped lead us to where we are today. Obama increased commutations, ended federal financial subsidization of mass incarceration, and he banned the question that asked applicants to disclose whether they’ve been convicted of a crime on applications for federal employment.

So once again the criminals and/or mentally ill, were right back in the streets.

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