Bible studies now banned at American senior center


from WND:

‘Some were purportedly offended’

A senior center in Missouri is facing a massive fight after it abruptly halted – and banned – a Bible study being held by residents.

The Christian Post reported the American Center for Law and Justice indicated a lawsuit might be needed.

The situation developed at a senior living center in Missouri after residents had organized and held a weekly Bible study over the course of several months.


The meetings were a common area of the facility that also is used for other purposes.

The meetings went on without issue, but then the managers claimed “some residents were purportedly offended by the Bible study,” and canceled it.

Managers also said the facility accepts federal funds, so Bible studies are banned under Federal Housing Administration rules, but Abigail Southerland, of the ACLJ, said the exact opposite actually is the truth.

The Post report explained, “After the resident contacted the ACLJ, the group sent a demand letter to the facility outlining federal law, which, according to Southerland, states ‘not only does the FHA allow a Bible study on federally funded property, but it also expressly prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion in regard to providing facility services.”

She told the Post that if a room is available for other purposes, a Bible study group must be allowed to use it on the same basis.

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