Hiroshima, Nagasaki Bombings Were Needless, Said World War II’s Top US Military Leaders


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Since World War II no other nation on the planet has spent more money on their military, and killed more innocent civilians, than the United States of America.

These weapons of war bring in huge financial profits to the Globalists, who use their puppet politicians and their control over the corporate media to spew their lies and propaganda to whip up the public into a constant fear over these alleged “enemies” of the American people.

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They have to justify huge spending on weapons of mass destruction by programming the American public to be in a perpetual state of fear over these “enemies,” and the playbook changed dramatically in September of 2001, with the false flag “attacks” in New York that were blamed on “Muslim terrorists,” and this began new levels of surveillance and until that time unprecedented military spending on the “war against terrorists” which could then include pretty much any Muslim country in the Middle East, which “coincidentally” happened to be rich in oil.

This war propaganda machine rolled out another new playbook for the Central Bankers and the rich Billionaires of Wall Street and Silicon Valley in 2020, with the military operation led by Donald Trump – the “war against the unseen virus” and the accompanying military operations dubbed “Operation Warp Speed” which then proceeded to kill and injure untold numbers through a new, experimental “vaccine,” which may go down in history as the greatest weapon of mass destruction ever created.

And these perpetual wars and the huge military spending to keep the banks and Billionaires solvent, have not stopped, but were simply switched to the NATO operation in Ukraine in 2022.

Reporter Brian McGlinchey has just published an excellent account of the bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of WWII that clearly show how the propaganda fed to the American public to justify killing hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese people, the majority of whom were women, children and the elderly, was opposed by the top American military leaders at that time.

I am going to reproduce most of that excellent piece below.

To understand how this age of warfare and enriching of the world’s bankers and financiers came to be, one has to go back to the 18th Century and the rise of the Rothschild family, the Satanic Jews, and Freemasonry.

Understanding this part of history that is largely not told here in America and western countries, will also put the current conflict with Russia into its proper perspective.

This history is beyond the scope of this article, so I am just going to point you to the links so you can research and read this for yourself, if you want to be truly informed and not the victim of American propaganda from the Globalists.

And you better download these links, before they are scrubbed off of the Internet by Silicon Valley’s AI Chatbots.

Start by reading the just-published two-part series by Sam Parker of Behind the News network:

Russia and the Rothschilds Part 1

Russia and the Rothschilds Part 2

Then, read my review of the first part of the banned film, EUROPA – The Last Battle, which gives the Russian perspective of WWII, and the much overshadowed “Christian Holocaust”, which is usually referred to as the more politically correct term, “The Holodomor”, because the Satanic Jews will call anyone who dares to use the term “holocaust” outside of their definition as an “anti-semite.”

Documentary Exposes the “Other Holocaust” of Christians in Russia at the Hands of Bolsheviks

Then, if you are still interested in pursuing the truth about Russia, go read the 1986 book, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy, by Antony C. Sutton, and learn how the Communist forces of the Soviet Union could have easily been defeated if the American Globalists were not funding them the entire time.

And if you think things are far different today in the current NATO conflict against Russia, go read this report published in June, 2023:

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