OCTOBER SURPRISE #1: It does not get bigger than this!!!


from State Of The Nation:

Netanyahu finally got what Israel has been shooting for.
The Zionist state knows that they cannot win a war alone.
Therefore, their goal is to do whatever is necessary to draw
the U.S. military into a full-blown regional war.

That conflict is designed to pit the USA against Iran, which
the Zionists know will lead to a kinetic World War III…
because of the various alliances and secret treaties which
have been formed and signed, respectively, over the past
several years.

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

The very sly Netanyahu knew he had to accomplish two
primary goals.

First, he has to sufficiently scare the bejesus out of the
Israeli citizenry, which was just done yesterday with Iran’s
missile attack…to get their support for total war.

Secondly, he had to fabricate the pretext for the U.S.
Congress to fully support all-out war against Iran, which
has also been achieved.

This second objective also provides the extremely desperate
Biden administration and Harris campaign with a serious
“wag the dog” opportunity (which the warmongering
Neocon Zionists will fully exploit).

For there’s absolutely no path to a Harris victory, even via
outright election theft, except a mayhem-filled WW3

The manufactured chaos, confusion and conflict that a
global conflagration would create could give Team Biden
a false pretext to either cancel the election like Zelensky

Or, Biden/Harris could arrogate emergency powers unto
themselves to postpone the POTUS election indefinitely.

Read More @ StateOfTheNation.co