by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

You might have noticed the world gets crazier by the week. For example, I used to joke that “when you’re dealing with Martin Bormann, you’re dealing with Dick Cheney… but without the warmth and charm.” Under the current cultural “climate”, I probably should reverse those roles to read “When you’re dealing with Dick Cheney, you’re dealing with Martin Bormann… but without the warmth and charm.” But with Bormann’s recent…er… Cheney’s recent endorsement of the Ayatollah Kamalarky, at least we now know that the whole Swamp is one big happy Reich of neocon war mongering, corruption, corporate crony crapitalism, and socialism(those five things being not quite synonymous). But they all sum to a veritable cyclone of corruption.

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And speaking of storms, as you might have gussed, much of our focus this week will be on the devastation left in the wake of hurricane Helene, and the expected devastation to come. But before we get to that, if you’re looking for ways to send relief to the people in North Carolina, I posted a very helpful article containing a list of links in a blog on this site last Saturday, here:

But to get down to business, there are a couple of things that have astonished me about this most recent storm, the first being the amount of people that are now willing to entertain that the storm was either directly the result of weather manipulation technologies, or that it was intensified and steered in a particular direction to accomplish a multitude of goals and agendas: (1) crushing a pro-Trump vote in a swing state like North Carolina, but (2) a deeper agenda of destroying property and property values in regions wanted by Mr. Globalooney for its resources, in this case, lithium mines.  I’m more than willing to grant the second proposition, as it fits the patterns of such disasters we’ve seen elsewhere, of a major political, geopolitical, and/or financial-economic event occurring before or after such a disaster. This is a pattern I’ve blogged about repeatedly on this website, and it is a pattern that others such as Catherine Austin Fitts or Elana Freeland, or Dane Wiggington, have noticed and commented upon. Just in case you’ve forgotten some of these events, here’s a short list of the most salient of them, but this is by no means complete:

  1. The Indonesian tsunami, preceded by an inexplicable and massive sell-off of Indonesian sovereign securities;
  2. The Fukushima tsumani and earthquake, preceded by a stunning change in the Japanese government, and warnings from then-US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates that were little more than threats;
  3. The terrible earthquake in Soviet Georgia in 1988 that preceded the crack-up of that system and state, Georgia being, coincidentally, the home of then-Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shervanadze;
  4. The earthquake that hit Istanbul, Turkey, as that country was pondering its relationship with NATO; message received, Erdogan reversed course;
  5. The terrible – and I would aver, highly peculiar quake – that hit Haiti, with a curious lack of any reportage of aftershocks or damage on the neighboring Dominican Republic, the other sovereign occupier of the island of Hispanola; and what I at the time (and still do) interpret as a “retaliatory earthquake” in the environs of Paral, Chile, just a few weeks afterward. Paral, in case you forgot, was the nearest metropolitan area of Chile to the old post-war Nazi enclave of Cologna Dignidad. After that wuake there were dire predictions of tsunamis throughout the Pacific as far away as Hawaii, predictions which turned out to be a big nothing burger, indicating that perhaps the effects of the quake had somehow been damped (q.v. the strange lack of reportage on shocks in the Dominican Republic during the Haiti quake).
  6. Hurricane Katrina, with its sudden and virtually inexplicable “right angle turn” when it came directly south of New Orleans, as it was headed on an almost due east-to-due-west course, and the equally bizarre sudden plunge of the jetstream southward, as if someone was trying to steer the storm away.

There are many other examples and I’m sure some of the readers of this blog can think of a few that they has suspicions about.  In the case of Helene, it almost appears as if the storm damage was intensified by a “preparation” of the area by solid rainfall. Even more peculiarly, it almost appears as if the storm somehow intensified once it made landfall. But whatever interpretation one has of these possibilities or perceptions, the most peculiar thing about it appears to be the possibility that it was at least manipulated to the degree that it was steered to hit the areas it hit. (See my blog

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