by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Now when I saw this story that appeared in my email inbox thanks to M.D. spotting it and sharing it, I knew I’d be blogging about it. That happens occasionally, when a story leaps directly into the “final cuts” folder, no if’s, and’s, or but’s or questins, or doubts. This was one such story, and we’ll get to why I find it so fascinating:

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Radar detects invisible space bubbles over pyramids of Giza with power to impact satellites

Now, if you’re familiar with my original Giza Death Star trilogy of books – The Giza Death Star, the Giza Death Star Deployed, The Giza Death Star Destroyed – or with the more recent “update” of those books in The Giza Death Star Revisited, and not to mention the related books The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts or The Demon in the Ekur: Angels, Demons, Plasmas, Patristics, and Pyramids, you will be aware of the fact that front-and-center of my elaboration of Zechariah Sitchin’s weapon hypothesis of the Great Pyramid or of the “Cosmic War” is the idea of plasma. So when I read this, I had to smile, for it is a bit of confirmation of the whole hypothesis:

A high-tech radar has detected invisible space bubbles over the Great Pyramids of Giza, providing clues to scientists who hope to prevent future satellite interruptions by this mysterious phenomenon.

Researchers in China published their findings last month after observing the mysterious floating structures with a breadth as far as 9,500 kilometers.

Called equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs), IFL Science describes them as pockets of superheated gas at low altitudes in regions near the equator, such as Egypt, calling it a form of space weather.

Now the reason I find this so fascinating – including the idea that these bubbles might interfere with satellite operations – is that these plasma bubbles are very similar to the effects of ionospheric heaters on the ionosphere (and ions, of course, are components of plasmas). This suggests, of course, that the pyramids, by dint of some strange combination of their shape and materials, and in conjunction with their coupled oscillator function with the planet itself, are acting as analogue ionospheric heaters.

Once we have said that, we are a very short step indeed from the weapon hypothesis, for many have speculated that ionospheric heaters such as the USA’s HAARP (High Altitude Auroral Research Project) or Europe/Germany’s EISCAT have a weapons function modality or use. Indeed, if one examines Dr. Bernard Estland’s original patents for the HAARP heater, weather manipulation, communications interruption, missile defense and other weaponized functions are clearly and explicitly mentioned. Some have theorized that reacting a strong enough artificially generated dipole effect between the upper atmosphere and the Earth could form powerful channels for multiple lightning strikes against targeted regions, and the electrical arcing of lightning is, of course, but another form of plasma. Could that be transformed into an interplanetary phenomenon? Well, if one is familiar with the plasma cosmology of physicists Anthony Perratt or Hannes Alfven that I reviewed in my books The Cosmic War and The Demon in the Ekur, the answer to that is another yes. The ancient thunderbolts of the gods, in other words, may not only be metaphors of such interplanetary arcing or plasma bolts, but those bolts in turn may not represent acts of nature in an “electric universe” but rather an “electric universe” that is technologically accessed, manipulated, and weaponized. So, yes, I’m chalking this one up as a broad confirmation of Sitchin’s weapon hypothesis of the Great Pyramid (and yes, it is Sitchin’s hypothesis, not my own. I have merely taken his clues and elaborated a hypothesis based on statements in his books).

But there’s something else that caught my eye about this story, and its yet another confirmation that what we are looking at with the pyramids of Giza are not “Egyptian tombs” but rather machines for the manipulation and control of energies, for as I recorded way back in the original Giza Death Star trilogy of books, during World War Two British and Commonwealth pilots stationed in Egypt were warned not to fly their aircraft directly over the pyramids.

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