Prepper Group Training: Indigenous Guerrilla Teams – Part 2


by Bulldog, Survival Blog:

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.)

The Challenge

To understand why I feel we are lacking in our preparation of these men and women, let us look at only one necessary skill set, team radio communications. Certainly we could agree that it represents one of the key core elements critically necessary to prepper and survivalist groups. Yet, in most cases it is overlooked or minimized by group leadership. Instead, we relegate programming to the “commo guy” and hope that after stuff hits the fan (SHTF), group members will somehow magically demonstrate more interest. Please understand that I am in the same boat. In my own situation here, I find myself handing out pre-programmed “Fengs” to neighbors. Still, our goals should be that our group members are proficient in manually programming frequencies, or more importantly, programming and successfully making a specific contact.


With each passing year, the complexity of our communication training needs only increases. Although the analog radios could sometimes tax the patience of new members, the digital mobile radios (DMR) of today brought with them another layer of complexity. For us here, we maintain one model of dual-band analog HT, and one model dual band DMR. With either, the goal should be that members can manually program and transmit successfully, using the individual team radio for both voice and data transmission and reception. But now we added a small tablet or Android device to achieve a redneck burst transmission of sorts.

I am not saying that I have all the answers. That is of course why most of us are here at SurvivalBlog…to get more ideas and suggestions. Regarding this particular topic, I will refer you back to two excellent and frequent contributors, NC Scout and Tunnel Rabbit. They both have numerous articles regarding field communications and even antenna construction. There are days when I feel I should have those guys on speed dial! You can find their excellent presentations by first clicking on the Archives tab at the top of your screen. Then, click on Category and Date Archives. At the SurvivalBlog site you will also find a search box. Simply type in their names. Their articles will not disappoint you.

The last caution regarding selecting the instructor to teach radio communications is that not all Amateur Radio Operators (“hams”) may be well suited for the Trainer role. Even though I am a general class operator, I will be the first to say that many amateur operators can sometimes act disparagingly toward anyone who is not a “ham.” They fail to recognize that they should be fostering growth of team members who are still using the old citizen’s band or those that utilize MURS. Some of your recruits might possibly be using FRS/GMRS. These systems should not be discouraged. Rather, the true “Elmer” should be encouraging, helping candidates obtain the next level — especially regarding this critical “core” training element.

Although your situation may vary, I personally have no intention of using the local radio repeaters from field radios. This requires more complicated programming, which could lead to mistakes and greater frustration for your group members. Frankly, I feel for our location, we will be better served by listening and documenting the repeater transmissions of others. This paves the way for yet another potential role within your group. The collection of communications intelligence or COMINT.

Who knows? Your group might stretch their wings even further, creating their own S2 intelligence team. Again, an opportunity for further training. I will direct you to a YouTuber with several videos on this topic. The most recent: Citizen S2: Building an Intelligence Shop

What then is the goal?

In 1994 there was an excellent book, a treatise actually by Robert Asprey entitled War in the Shadows: The Guerrilla in History. A side note: As I was preparing this, I also learned Asprey had later written a Volume II, although I can not speak to the quality of the 2nd volume.

This brings me to my next point, which is our goal should be to train those within our groups to such proficiency that they in turn can train others. I believe that if our groups are sufficiently motivated, and truly interested in our cause, then we should ideally strive to train them to a level that they could assume the role of guerrillas…should the need actually arise. If we consider the concept of the Special Forces (SF) teams…otherwise known as Operation Detachment Alpha (ODA, or SFOD-A) teams we can at least visualize a training model. Similarly, I would direct you to the triad concept mentioned in the Patriots series of novels by Mr. Rawles. Although I can not speak to the idea’s origins, the concept is one I feel American patriots should consider. Certainly, one which I model here.

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