Our Dystopian Future Is Here.


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

Many of us have spent years preparing for a dystopian future. Everyone has imagined it a little bit differently – nuclear holocaust, an evil dictatorship, war on our soil, the loss of our rights…

We’d like to think of it all as futuristic science fiction. But, unfortunately, it’s not.

If you look around, our dystopian future is here.

Our situation is already quite precarious. Our money buys less and less (and less after the huge rate cut yesterday by the Fed.) Even though the State-Sponsored Media wants to deny it, many of our towns and cities are overrun with migrants.

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Whenever you bring it up, you’re shouted down and called a racist, but who are you going to believe? The media who admitted swinging the debate for Kamala Harris or the people pleading for help at town hall meetings? Violent crime is up – way, way up – and no amount of folks telling you to believe them and not your eyes does not have your best interests at heart.

The cost of living is absolutely insane. Buying groceries each week gets harder and harder for many of us. I remember feeding a family of three on $25 a week (not feeding us well, but we didn’t go hungry.) Now, I can hardly feed myself for less than $75 a week. All of these celebrities urging us to vote for the person they think is the nicest really don’t have to worry about the price of the food in their grocery cart. $25 or $250 is basically the same thing for them.

Our veterans are facing at a 15 billion dollar shortfall in their budget, but Congress is still working on giving them $3 billion instead. Meanwhile, the US has sent more than $55 billion in military assistance to Ukraine, to say nothing of other money that has been sent to aid them against Russia. Our own citizens who lost everything in the terrible wildfire in Hawaii were only offered a measly $700 apiece, but by all means, let’s take in lots of dependent migrants and help them lead a good life in a nice hotel in New York City, with free food and medical care.

There’s an outright war on free speech, not just in America but around the world, with people spending more time in jail for a meme than for attacking someone with a machete.  We live in a nation where we’re surveilled many times daily and people hardly even notice anymore.

It’s difficult to imagine that our situation will get much better any time soon.

The Thirdworldization of America

Fabian has written about the Thirdworldization of the United States several times and he certainly called it. Our standard of living is going down, while our cost of living is going up. Our borders are unsecured, and people are illegally  migrating who have no intention of assimilating into our culture. They’re bringing their gang members, their crimes, and their standard of living here and our own government is paying them to do it.

Unless something changes dramatically, the path our country is on does not go to any place better. It is, as both Fabian and Selco have described it, a slow-burning SHTF. In fact, Selco recently wrote an article entitled, “If You Want to See the Future SHTF, Look at Haiti.”

This train, it is a-rollling.

What can we do?

Preppers are suffering in a very specific way right now. We know what we should do and what we’d like to do to prepare for an even more grim and dystopian future. But a lot of us can’t afford to do it.

Since 2020, many of us have dipped into our preps to keep afloat as money became tighter and tighter. And there’s no shame in that – that’s why you have preps in the first place. But replenishing them has become more difficult and expensive than expected, and folks are still facing these higher prices that never really went back down.

So how do you prepare for a dystopian future when you’re already in it?

Over the next week or so, I’m going to break these things down into more detail, but for now, I’ll provide these suggestions.

  • Buy all the non-perishable food and supplies you can afford to get your hands on. (Get some ideas for shopping on a dime here.)
  • Make your home – where you are right now, not some theoretical dream home – as safe and secure as possible. Prepare your family to be safe as well. Surviving during dangerous times isn’t just about home security or guns or karate.
  • Learn to produce or procure food. Even if you’re only sprouting some greens in an apartment windowsill or growing some herbs on your patio, every little bit you can add will help you in the future.
  • Get medically prepared. Remember how difficult getting medical treatment during the Covid days was? Remember how certain medications were withheld, even though now we’re told that they could’ve saved people? Remember the shortages of certain medications? You need to stock up right now on your own prescription meds. Take a look at these kits for other prescriptions you may need.
  • Look into getting your money out of the bank. My dollars will buy me less now, but the gold and silver I bought in 2020 have gone up significantly. I recommend ITM Trading for your gold and silver purchases, and I sincerely urge you to look into this before the price of metals goes up even higher. You can book a strategy session by calling 866-517-1257 or by going here.

What you do today could make a major difference tomorrow.

This isn’t to tell you the sky is falling.

You already know that. This is to provide some ideas for surviving the continuing decline. The outcome of our presidential election could either make or break us as a nation, so cast your votes wisely.

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