Wednesday, March 5, 2025

I pity the fool who vote the Leftist in


by Daniel Baranowski, American Thinker:

Why am I pitying fools? Because we once again find ourselves and our nation in the worst of situations. It’s election time, and if we make the wrong choices, we will all be fools!

I can’t believe America has perched itself upon the furthest edge of a towering cliff and that the slightest political breeze to the Left or the Right will determine whether we remain with a capitalist economy, with an intact Constitution, and a republican form of government after November 5, 2024.


I pity the fool – who ignores the upcoming election. Should the Leftists win, nothing but the worst is assured. This essay includes some vital issues for consideration in this titanic presidential race.

I pity the fools – who don’t recognize that this is the second time Democrats have punked voters with last-minute unscrupulous practices, like the Hunter Biden laptop lie and the dismissal of hapless Joe Biden, who unquestionably won his Party’s primary state elections only to be lassoed, hogtied, and yanked from the Party’s nomination, by dishonorable Party Bosses and sent to the wastelands of abysmal past Presidents.

Allow me to note that “I pity the fool” is a catchphrase from the 1982 movie Rocky III. You may remember that “Mr. T” played a character named “Clubber Lang,” Rocky Balboa’s primary antagonist in the film. When asked if Clubber Lang hates Rocky, Clubber replies, “No, I don’t hate Balboa, but I pity the fool.”

I’ve always admired Balboa’s character throughout the entire “Rocky” movie series. But, in the same way, I pity the fools who cannot see through the heavily propagandized thin veneer that neither vapid Kamala Harris nor her buffooned Vice Presidential running mate, Tim Walz, are qualified for the two highest offices in the land.

I pity the fools – who remain unaware that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have spent the last four years pursuing a radically Leftist agenda. Joe Biden told us in 2020 that he was a “moderate.” Such reports turned out to be whopper lies. But then again, we all learned that Joe Biden lies about everything and everybody.

He even lied to himself about how well his brain worked these past three years. Joe’s most recent fabrication occurred this week while on the campaign trail with Kamala. Joe told the crowd, “Kamala has a backbone like a ramrod and the moral compass of a saint.” If you have watched Kamala over the years, then you know she has the spine of a jellyfish, and despite my Catholic background, I cannot think of one saint with the moral compass of Kamala.

What I find most repulsive about Kamala’s bid for the 2024 Presidency is her pretense that she is not a Neo-Marxist ideologue. An independent rating service listed Kamala Harris as the most radical liberal in the Senate in 2019 and 2020. She was even further Left of Bernie Sanders, the record holder for the most radical Socialist in the Senate.

During her stint as a Senator, Kamala ran for the Democratic Party’s Presidential nomination in 2020. However, she dropped out of the race before the first primary in Iowa, primarily due to her failure to connect with Americans. Nevertheless, she participated in numerous Presidential Primary debates before shuttering her campaign. These debates, town halls, and campaign rallies painted the most transparent picture of Kamala Harris’ political ideology.

Sometime after she withdrew from the 2020 race, Biden selected Kamala as his running mate. Joe said he wanted someone who was female and a person of color. So Kamala has been in the Senate for two years and Vice President for nearly four years, yet she pretends to be a newcomer to the national political scene, an underdog in this contest, according to her.

I pity the fool – who can’t reason their way past Vice President Kamala Harris’ cynical, pandering, and soulless campaign. Beyond a big smile and a great set of teeth, can anyone honestly explain which cynical accomplishment of the Biden-Harris administration, or any combination of policies or actions, qualifies Kamala Harris to be anything but a vacuous woman of overly scripted platitudes who has hazardous Marxist ideas about whether our capitalist economy should remain, or Socialism should supplant it?

I pity the fool – who tolerates a Vice President willing to repeatedly lie to the American people about the severe and accelerating cognitive decline of the President, risking us all in case of war or national catastrophe.

When asked as recently as mid-July of this year about Joe Biden’s mental acuity, Kamala claimed old Joe was in fine condition. But this was a constant lie before our eyes as together, we watched Joe’s cognitive and physical health plunge until it went into a tailspin when Biden debated with Trump.

I pity the fool – who is unaware of how poisonous a Kamala Presidency will be for Israel’s war of existential survival against the Jackels funded by Iran. A Kamala Presidency will undoubtedly heighten the uncertainty and volatility in the Middle East, where Palestinian-Israeli disputes can’t help draw America into a WWIII pre-curser conflict with any number of enemy actors.

The Biden-Harris duo, along with ideologue Antony Blinken, have abysmally micromanaged Middle East relationships to the point of enabling Israel’s enemies to succeed. We’re just beginning to experience another massive pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, and anti-Semitic college campus student takeover. And don’t forget the billions of dollars we’re sinking into a proxy war in Ukraine with the Russians. A war that would have never begun had Trump remained President.

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