Hey, Peasant, Kamala Harris Doesn’t Want You to Speak Without Her Permission


by Matt Margolis, PJ Media:

The media howled with glee back in 1992 when George H. W. Bush supposedly read off what were supposed to be his summary notes as if they were exactly the lines he was supposed to deliver: “Message: I care.” Much more recently, when Old Joe Biden more than once read off his own stage directions as if they were part of his speeches, the sycophantic Democrat press agents in the media didn’t deign to notice. Nor did they turn a hair when Kamala Harris recently delivered — not in so many words — the crowning message of her campaign: “Shut up, peasant!” But patriots should be paying close attention.

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The Biden-Harris regime has made it abundantly clear over the last three and a half rocky years that it has no appreciation for the First Amendment’s protection of the freedom of speech. Like all authoritarians, Old Joe and Kamala, along with their henchmen, positively hate dissent. This is clear from the fact that the regime tried on more than one occasion to curtail Americans’ Constitutional freedoms, all under the guise of protecting us. Making us slaves of the authoritarian state will save “our democracy,” doncha know.

On Friday, Harris, in the midst of complaining about free speech on X (formerly Twitter), made it clear once again: her administration, if God decides to visit such a punishment on this nation, will be frankly and unapologetically authoritarian. It would, in short, be the end of America as a free society, and Kamala and her minions would say “Good riddance.”

In a video that circulated on X Friday, Harris tells Jake Tapper: “He has, he has lost his privileges and it should be taken down.” Who is she talking about? That’s not clear, but the more she talks, the more it seems likely that she was referring to Elon Musk, and to taking down X. Harris continued: “And the bottom line is that you can’t say that you have one rule for Facebook and you have a different rule for Twitter. The same rule has to apply, which is that there has to be, a, uh, er, uh, a responsibility that is placed on these social media sites to understand their power. They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of, of, of oversight or regulation. And that has to stop.” Really? Why?

Harris is annoyed because ever since Elon Musk took over Twitter/X, it has broken ranks with the other social media giants. They all went along, with apparent eagerness, with the Biden regime’s silencing of COVID dissidents. Mark Zuckerberg recently claimed that he only went along under heavy pressure from the regime, but this strains credulity in light of the fact that after Musk made Twitter/X into a bastion of the freedom of speech, Zuckerberg went so far as to set up a shadow Twitter called Threads, where users were warned openly that they might be silenced if their speech displeased the political elites, and happily signed up anyway.

Musk, as far as Harris is concerned, must be brought back into line. She wants the social media giants to submit to “oversight” and “regulation,” which means they will say what the left wants them to say, and only that. Other voices will be deplatformed, marginalized, and silenced, just as they were everywhere before Musk and still are on most platforms.

No one should be surprised. The Biden-Harris regime is the first administration to see its principal opponent indicted, and on flimsy and politically motivated charges. The Biden-Harris regime also tried and failed to establish a Disinformation Governance Board that would have effectively stamped out opposition to regime policies by labeling such opposition “disinformation” and silencing it accordingly.

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