Ex-CDC Chief Tells RFK: ‘You Got Everything Right.’


by Jack Montgomery, The National Pulse:

Former U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield is backing former President Donald J. Trump’s proposal to appoint Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead a Commission on Childhood Chronic Disease. This endorsement comes despite Kennedy’s historical criticisms of Redfield and the CDC.

video posted on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter) shows Kennedy describing Redfield’s support as “breathtaking.” Kennedy mentions that a recent lunch with Redfield was their first meeting. Redfield reportedly began the meeting by affirming Kennedy’s viewpoints, saying, “You got everything right.”

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In an op-ed dated September 24, Redfield argues that the Commission on Childhood Chronic Disease needs Kennedy at its helm to address the declining health among American children. Redfield writes, “…the failing health of our kids, the needless suffering and death, can be ended by a Kennedy Commission on Childhood Chronic Disease—and the vast burden of chronic disease that now demoralizes and bankrupts our nation can disappear.”


Redfield also confirms that “Kennedy is right” when he complains that the CDC, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and National Institutes of Health (NIH) suffer from “agency capture.”

He highlights the financial ties between the FDA and Big Pharma, noting that a significant portion of the FDA’s budget comes from pharmaceutical corporations. He also points out that NIH scientists benefit financially from drug royalties. According to Redfield, similar undue influences affect the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which he claimed prioritizes large corporate interests over those of small farmers and public health.

Kennedy, known for his focus on public health, has abandoned the Democratic Party and, for the most part, an independent presidential run. He has given his endorsement to Trump. Kennedy believes the America First leader can deliver a ‘Make America Healthy Again’ agenda.

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