Covid Shots Trigger Sudden Death by Attacking Heart & Brain, Study Warns


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A group of leading scientists is calling for everyone who received Covid “vaccines” to be placed under medical monitoring after a major study linked the injections to the global surge in sudden deaths.

The study was led by medical microbiologist Professor Kai Wei Lee at the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).

The team, which also included scientists from the Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman in Malaysia, sought to identify the cause of “a spectrum of cardiac and neurological disorders was reported among vaccinated individuals” “following mass vaccinations for the control of the COVID-19 epidemic.”


The study’s paper was published in the National Library of Medicine.

The systematic review study analyzed case reports and case series from three medical literature databases.

The researchers compiled all the data related to cardiac and neurological complications in people who had received Covid shots.

They then analyzed the reported adverse events and which version of the vaccine the patient had received.

The review revealed that the Covid vaccine technologies behaved differently and created different adverse events.

Of the reported heart-related health issues, 90 percent of the patients had received mRNA vaccines like Pfizer and Moderna.

Of those who had suffered brain disorders, 52.6 percent had viral vector vaccines, such as J&J and AstraZeneca, while the rest had received mRNA injections.

In the “Abstract” section of the study’s paper, the scientists wrote:

“There was no notable difference in the gender distribution between these two groups of vaccine recipients.

“mRNA vaccines (all brands) were associated with almost 90.0% of the cardiac complications, whereas viral vector vaccines were associated with slightly over half (52.6%) of the neurological complications.”

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